The Benefits of Pomegranate Fruit from Jannah Paradise for Mental Health & Body Healing

Pomegranate Fruit from Jannah Paradise

Allah SWT (God) Say:

“He is the One who sent down water from the heavens. Then We brought forth with it vegetation of all kinds. Then from it We brought grains set upon one another.

From the palm-trees, from their spathes, come forth the low hanging bunches. (We produce) vineyards and the olive and the pomegranate, either similar or not similar to each other.

Look at its fruit when it bears fruit, and at its ripening. Surely, in all this there are signs for the people who believe”

(The Noble Quran Surah 6 Verse 99)

Prophet Muhammad SAW told his companions that each pomegranate potentially held a heavenly grain, “There is not a pomegranate which does not have a pip from one of the pomegranate of the Garden (Jannah) in it.”

(Abu Nu’aim)

Pomegranate Fruit Can Reassure The Heart & Soul



Jannah Firdaus Mediapro Art & Story

“And give good tidings to those who believe and do righteous deeds that they will have gardens in Jannah Paradise beneath which rivers flow.” (The Noble Quran)