Progress Report — 20 May 2024.

Xeon Protocol
2 min readMay 20, 2024


XEON Protocol, Unveiling DeFi’s Future

We are back with our weekly progress report from the XEON Team.


  • Audit Results: The audit results from SourceHat were released on Friday, May 17th. Out of 21 checks, we failed 5, which were issues we were already aware of.
  • Audit Corrections: Preparations for correcting the audit issues have begun to ensure our platform’s security and compliance.
  • Codebase Maintenance: Code maintenance is still in progress. The new repository is ready for testing upgraded smart contracts.
  • Testnet Campaign: Planning is still ongoing. We have structured the test environment, selected service providers, and outlined the incentives to implement.


  • New Marketers Onboard: We have engaged world-class DeFi-centric marketers who share our vision for DeFi and will augment our brand growth.
  • Coming Soon Site: The “Coming Soon” site has been completed, it will be up this week providing a preview of our upcoming offerings.


  • Documentation Redesign: Our documentation redesign enters phase 2 to reflect new changes, and all information is being updated to provide comprehensive and up-to-date resources for our community.
  • Whitepaper Redesign: Our whitepaper will also receive updates to reflect the new positioning for XEON.
  • New Community Moderators: We have onboarded new community moderators to help manage and engage with our growing community.
  • Launch Strategy: We continue to refine our launch strategy, ensuring we are well-prepared for a successful market introduction.


  • Website and Dapp Design: Work on our new website is nearing completion. The design for our decentralized application (Dapp) is being finalized to ensure a seamless and user-friendly experience.
  • Both: Main Website and Dapp are expected to drop next week, announcements will be made in due time.

Audit Updates

  • Audit Report: The first audit report for the XEON Protocol was received before May 18th, as communicated by SourceHat. We are actively addressing the identified issues.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to progress towards our goals. Exciting times lie ahead for XEON Protocol!

#Crypto #Blockchain #Development #Marketing #Integration #Defi



Xeon Protocol

Pioneering a ERC-20 Liquidity Unlocking & Risk Management Defi Tool Suite.