XFunc Carter
1 min readMay 23, 2015


A society in which a majority of the population are coders is bound to self-destruct. The essential problem of “coding” is that it makes people into programmed entities.

It is exactly the same issue as fencing in wilderness. The fencing is like the container mentality that coders must have. They think like robots.

But we are not robots. And, as with a wilderness that has suddenly been criss-crossed by artificial fences, there will be unforeseen environmentally destructive consequences.

People become reductive. For example, in the military they begin to rely on attrition (simply killing all the enemy). History teaches us that that reductive, reptilian way of thinking, while supposedly giving us optimal results on paper, actually leads to havoc and destruction.

We forget the lessons of the ancients. We lose touch with the arts. We lose our humanity. We become a civilization divided into two classes: the robots who create mazes; and the “animal people” who are imprisoned like cattle in the mazes which the robots have created for them.

We don’t want a society in which everyone is a coder. It will destroy us.

