My Journey to IUP

Ashlyn Brown
5 min readFeb 12, 2024


My name is Ashlyn Brown and I am currently studying psychology at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. My reasoning behind choosing psychology falls back to my sophomore year of high school. While choosing my classes for the year, I decided to take AP Psychology, mainly because of the teacher, however, after spending time in this class, I grew to love it more than I have ever loved any other subject in school. Since choosing my major, I have enjoyed most of the classes I have been in so far and just how vast the study of psychology really is. Of course my story didn’t start when I moved into my dorm, it goes back over a year ago to when I was deciding where I wanted to continue my educational journey. In this essay I want to share my story about how my life is at Indiana University of Pennsylvania and why I have grown to love it more than I could have ever imagined.

As my time in high school was approaching the end, I decided that rather than doing as my parents had always wanted, I would make my own decision and start my path towards a higher education the way I wanted to. While many of my classmates had already decided where they planned on committing to spend the next four years, I had just started to look explore my options. My parents were hoping I would do what they had always hoped for; attending Penn State University just like my brother had. Of course my parents were biased since my mom worked for the Penn State hospital, but I could tell it was what they truly wanted. However, I have never been known to listen and just like every other piece of advice my parents had given to me, I tossed it aside. I knew that I did not want to go to such a big campus where I did not know anyone and nothing could have sounded scarier to me in that moment. When thinking about where I was going to go, I remembered back to a few conversations shared at the lunch table in school. That was when it hit me- I was going to attend Indiana University of Pennsylvania just like three of my closest friends. That night I filled out the application to be a psychology major and prepared to inform my parents of my decision the next morning. When they heard the news, they tried to talk me out of it, however, I was set on my decision and I could not help but wonder what the next chapter of my life at IUP would be like.

My high school friend group (half of us went to IUP)

When I first got to IUP, I was scared and I was not prepared for what was about to come, but after spending a semester at IUP, I can confidently say that I have had some of the best times of my life here. College is definitely a big step from what life had been for most of my early adulthood, however, I feel I am adjusting nicely and I have grown to love and learn many things about this campus. From the captivating lectures that many professors provide here to the activities students are able to partake in, courtesy of the many clubs on campus, it is hard to run out of things to do around here. I found that engaging in these activities is helpful in making friends or perhaps even spending quality time with friends. In one instance, my boyfriend and I had been talked into going to bingo that they were holding one night for students. After going the whole night without winning anything, my boyfriend finally got bingo and it was for the grand prize, a brand-new Apple Watch. Moments like this are what make IUP an exciting place to be at, but it is college and academics are also important to focus on while being here.

Academically speaking, I feel I am adjusting well and the task of teaching myself outside of lectures has become easier as time has gone on. I remember going to my first lecture at 8 a.m. on August 21st and I had no idea what to expect. Everything that my professor was saying about the syllabus for Psych-100 seemed to go in one ear and out the other just because there were so many other thoughts racing through my brain at that moment. Although the first week or two were a bit rocky, having some time to be able to adjust made it so I was capable of walking into my lectures confidently and having a better grasp on everything that is going on. Not only was I more confident in myself, but I knew when to ask for help and that it is okay to do so. Developing the ability to navigate my way through college life and finding things to enjoy through the potential stress have helped me realize just how perfect IUP is for me.

Deciding to attend Indiana University of Pennsylvania was one of the most rewarding decisions in my life. This journey has been transformative and instilled a new confidence around getting my education that I never knew I could have. Attending Iup has granted me the opportunity to not only grow grow closer with my friends from home, but to also meet the people I spend most of my time outside of class with. Although it was hard to leave home and my family behind, I got to experience independence and a taste of what my life will be like for the next few years. I am excited to see what else my future at IUP has in store for me.

