The Inspirational Story of Jay Chou, the Myth of Singing

13 min readSep 8, 2023


Introduction: Jay Chou (Jay Chou), born on January 18, 1979 in New Taipei City, Taiwan Province, Chinese male singer, songwriter, actor, music video and film director, screenwriter and producer. The following is the inspirational story of Jay Chou brought to you by the editor of inspirational, welcome to read.

The “singing world myth” Jay Chou’s inspirational story

“The myth of the singing world” Jay Chou’s inspirational story:

Jay Chou is really a “traffic mine”. Several lifetimes do not produce new songs, but does not prevent the river and lake have old brother’s legend. Old friend Liu Weihong jumping exercise, the result of his 2006 old song “Herbal Compendium” light speed into the soaring list of the first. QQ music in the 520 this day re-launch of his concert ten years ago, the result of the booking of the audience directly soared to 15 million. Half an hour after the opening, the number of people online exceeded 10 million. Seeing this number of people, anyone who does not say: breathtaking.

There is an old saying circulating in the jianghu that no one will say “unreasonable” when it comes to him: “There is a kind of youth called Jay Chou.” In the past, the showbiz industry collapsed house scene, similar messages will always be liked to the front row — “Jay Chou, is our last bottom line.” “Jay Chou can’t collapse ah, or I go to KTV to sing what?” “The requirements of Jay are not high, it’s okay to be fat, it’s okay not to make a new album, it’s okay to love your wife and children well, something to drink more milk tea, in short, you can’t collapse the room!” The details, enough to glimpse the status of Jay Chou’s jianghu. Twenty years after his debut, even though the singing world waves of wind and waves lift, he still stands at the peak. As if with a crushing force, dominant occupation of the top of the list of major songs, no one can replace.

Today, Jay Chou’s Ferris Wheel 2013 World Tour is being re-released online. We’d like to take this opportunity to talk about this phenomenal and legendary icon. What makes Jay Chou, who has not released a new song in a long time, still untouchable?

The Cool Boy Who Changed the Chinese Language World

A photo of Jay Chou’s most unflattering moment has been circulating on the internet. At an awards ceremony, Jay Chou was holding up his trophy after winning an award. However, the journalists surrounded another singer who was much more famous, and no one gave a second thought to the freshly minted Jay Chou. From no one’s attention to a large number of followers, Jay Chou’s road to fame has been quite dramatic.

Born to a single parent, his mother saw his musical talent and spent all her savings to buy him a piano. His mother had high hopes for his musical career, but his path was a muddy one. Twice applied to the music department of National Taiwan University, were not accepted; participate in the talent show, the first round was brushed off; to Andy Lau, Zhang Huimei and others to write songs, was returned ……

Fortunately, producer Wu Tsung-hsien saw Jay’s seriousness and talent and challenged him to write 50 songs in 10 days. Jay bought two boxes of instant noodles and a sleeping bag, lived in the company, and wrote songs day and night, not stopping even when he had a nosebleed. 10 days later, he delivered 50 neat, bright and talented songs.

An album titled “Jay” exploded onto the scene, propelling this somewhat autistic, introverted boy to the center of the limelight. In the face of Jay’s meteoric rise, many people questioned that he was just lucky, and no one knew the pain and hard work he had gone through.

Jay once said, “A man may not be handsome, he may not study, he may not have much money, he may not be a good talker, but he must be serious about his favorite career.”

He is a “heavy perfectionist” who takes everything seriously and tries his best in everything.

During the production of “Nunchucks”, he consulted a lot of obscure martial arts materials and even practiced nunchucks, just to present the best effect in the music video. When editing the MV, even when he was abroad, he kept a close eye on it through the Internet, unwilling to show any defects, which once became a “nightmare” in the mind of director Kuang Sheng. In South Korea performance encountered a snowstorm, his fingers are frozen red and swollen, but still insisted on completing the guitar playing and singing, even the South Korean media are in the report, praised him for his dedication.

People who are familiar with Jay know that he suffers from severe compulsory spondylitis. Whenever he has an attack, he is in so much pain that he can hardly move. Some people ask him, that concert requires many hours of continuous singing and dancing, what should you do? Jay replied gently, “Take medicine, analgesic, otherwise fans come to see what.”

At the Hefei concert in 2016, he was carrying a model off the stage when the disease struck and his whole face crumpled into a ball of pain. But he braced himself to walk the whole way just because he didn’t want to discount the performance effect in the slightest.

Musician Yang Junrong commented on Jay: “We often get off the plane in the middle of the night, and the staff urges him to hurry up and rest, but he goes straight to the recording studio to work on his music.” “Every honor and applause is what he deserves, no flukes.” The devotion and craziness to music built into the glory in him.

The cool boy with the duck-tongued hat and few words became the king of the Chinese music industry. He was the first Asian male singer to be featured in Time Magazine. Western media called “King of Asian POP (King of Asian Pop)”. Many seniors in the industry, they have a high evaluation of him.

Jacky Cheung commented: “Jay Chou is the most important person in the Chinese music industry in the past decade.”

Zhou Hua Jian said: “Jay has brought a revolution to pop music, very fresh and shocking. All of us male singers were shaken by it.”

He was like a “tornado” that swept through the music world, becoming an epoch-making presence. He is the pioneer of “Chinese style”, and his songs such as “Blue and White Porcelain” and “East Wind Break” have become milestones of Chinese style songs.

How many people know from his songs: the original, unnoticed Chinese classical style, so fascinating intoxicated. So we don’t have to envy the western pop style, there is a river of stars in the traditional Chinese culture.

He is the advocate of “hip-hop style”, and his song “Double Nunchucks”, which was a hit throughout the country, knocked on the door of Chinese hip-hop, which had been closed for a long time.

Years later, in the program “China Hip Hop”, many young hip-hop contestants regarded Jay Chou as their idol, and some contestants even wrote in their lyrics: “That birthday, my classmates saved up money to buy me a cassette tape, and the packaging was rough and the poster was written with JAY.”

Jay Chou, deservedly the first generation of traffic king. Even if he dislikes the Golden Melody Awards, he is still the singer who has won 15 Golden Melody Awards, the most awards. A song “in the name of the father” was released, 50 radio stations in Asia synchronized premiere, more than 800 million people listened to. Twenty years later, Jay Chou releases his new song “Mojito”, which still manages to crash the servers of music software outright. No wonder some netizens said, “After so many years, Jay Chou hasn’t grown at all, he’s still number one in the universe.”

He stands at the top, but is full of redemption

Nicholas Tse said that Jay Chou is a particularly simple person, and there are two simple people he knows, one is Faye Wong and the other is Jay Chou. In the complex entertainment industry, Jay Chou handles things with a kind heart and treats people with gentleness.

He treats his friends with a chivalrous heart and does not let down a bit of kindness.

Before his debut, Jay Chou was close friends with Liu Zhuhong. At that time has been a little famous LiuHaoHong, often let Jay Chou dabble in food and drink, but also to the seniors introduced Jay Chou. Jay Chou has never forgotten the kindness of his friends. After becoming famous, Jay Chou will always pull a Liu Hong: concerts to ask him to be a guest, to help him publicize the record, the coffee shop …… in Liu Hong album preparations, Jay Chou deliberately spend a month practicing British rock, just to be able to give him a tailor-made fast song. On the day of his birthday, Jay Chou posted a message of gratitude for his dedication to himself, saying fondly: It’s my turn to take care of you. How many people become famous after losing old friends, and he is in a high position, but treat his friends as the same year.

Treating partners, he has empathy, not stingy to share the honor.

Back then, Jay Chou and lyricist Fang Wenshan, who had no fame at all, became partners side by side. The two teenagers, who were equally poor, were only willing to go downstairs to the company to eat KFC on weekends when they wanted to improve their meals, sharing a cup of Coke and a portion of French fries. The two once collaborated on a piece of work, but the producer only saw Jay’s song and did not want Fong’s lyrics.

Jay refused decisively on the spot, “If you don’t want the lyrics, you don’t have a song.” After bursting into popularity, once Jay Chou and Fong Wenshan went on stage together to receive an award, reporters surrounded Jay Chou, no one cared about Fong Wenshan. Jay immediately stopped the interview and called Fong to his side before he continued the interview. Another time, Jay Chou won the best album award, when receiving the award, he insisted on pulling Fang Wenshan on stage. “Because in Jay’s mind, this award should have a share of Fang Wenshan.” Do not seek glory and awards, only ask for a clear conscience, this is Jay Chou’s bone cultivation.

To treat his family, he pampered, not absent affectionate company.

Jay Chou and Kun Ling’s love, has been the entertainment circle of love benchmark. A reporter once asked Jay Chou, “Did you sign a prenuptial agreement before you married Kun Ling?” He was puzzled: “What do you sign that for?” Reporter: “You are the king of heaven, don’t you worry that after the divorce, your property will be divided?” Jay Chou said in a domineering manner, “Getting married and considering this, then it’s better not to get married.” His $300 million mansion is written only in Kun Ling’s name, and even his own company has Kun Ling’s shares. When Kun Ling was pregnant, Jay Chou would personally cook and make loving meals for her. When Kun Ling was hospitalized after her cesarean section, he took care of her all the time, even helping her go to the bathroom. Seeing the tired Jay Chou, curled up on a small folding bed, Kun Ling has mixed feelings: “He is very poor, obviously very successful a person, but to all these do not care.” Even if the work is busy, Jay Chou has not been absent from the child’s growth. Kun Ling once revealed that Jay Chou would feed and change the child’s diaper at night and send the child to class. He knows that loving his wife and taking care of his family is the only way to give his children the best family environment and growth example. As Kun Ling said, “We have always put the other half first, and he said this to me in order to set a good example for his children.”

Treating fans, he respects them equally and treats every favorite sincerely.

A netizen said he walked his dog when he met Jay Chou and wanted to take a picture with him, but the phone happened to be out of battery, so he panicked and said, “I went back to get the ipad, wait for me!” I thought Jay would refuse, but I didn’t expect him to agree with a smile, “OK, I’ll help you walk the dog, you go get it!” An Australian fan of Jay Chou’s work has fallen in love with Chinese culture and insists on learning Chinese. He suffered from bone cancer at the age of 19, had his leg amputated and was told by doctors that he would only live for about five years. When Jay learned of his experience, he wrote a handwritten letter of blessing, hoping to encourage him to live bravely. The seemingly rebellious and cold Jay Chou’s personality is characterized by a warmth and chivalry that cannot be erased.

Beginning with his works and remaining faithful to his character, he is worthy of being the idol of several generations.

A quality idol that transcends generations

Tsai Kang Yong once said, “One of the best things about this era is having Jay Chou.”

In an interview with Jay Chou in Time Magazine, it was noted, “It’s strange to Westerners that a singer like him, who doesn’t do drugs, cause trouble or rebel, can be so popular.”

Jay explained, “I have a big responsibility to society, especially children, and that’s why what I want to express most in my songs is love.”

His works, instead of being traffic codes for claptrap, are media tools to convey goodness.

In “Dad, I’m Home,” he criticizes domestic violence, “I heard that usually after a war there’s peace in return, why see my dad keep hitting my mom ……”

In “Listen to Your Mother,” he urges uneducated children to understand their mothers, “I don’t want you to lose, so I have to tell you to study hard.”

In “Cowards,” he lambastes drug addicts, “Not being controlled by soft drugs and knowing how to say no in my eyes is the only way to survive.”

In Grandma, he cares for the lonely elderly: “What’s the point of working hard all day long and making less money to care. Adults never understand that what she wants is companionship, not six hundred dollars.”

In the “rice”, he comforted the disillusioned: “Please open the TV to see, how many people for life in the effort to go bravely, cherish everything even if there is no …….”

The power of Jay Chou’s songs comes not only from the excellent production aspect, but also from his inner kindness and sense of responsibility.

A netizen once told a story: “Fong was dumped by his girlfriend who had been in love for many years, and due to his grievances, he wrote a lyric “Dump My Horse for a Slap”. Jay felt that even if it was a joke, it wasn’t quite fair to the girl and resolutely refused to compose it. At that time, he had not yet debuted, and this was the first time he rejected Fang.”

Perhaps because of his cold appearance and low profile, many people are prone to misunderstand him.

Last year, when the rainstorm in Zhengzhou, there was a delay in receiving the news of Jay’s donation, and many netizens raised questions. Until the Zhengzhou Red Cross publicized the list, people only saw Jay Chou Kun Ling quietly donated 3 million. Over the years, Jay Chou never proclaimed his good deeds, most of the official release of the statement, people only learned of his goodwill. This is the true heart of the public good, only to help people, not to seek the attention of others.

Promoting traditional culture is a colorful part of Jay’s work.

Nunchucks” about Chinese martial arts, “Materia Medica” about Chinese herbal medicine, “Celadon” about Ru kiln ……

The beauty of Chinese culture has been transformed into a spiritual note that tugs at the heartstrings of countless people.

As he said, “Now everywhere is ha-ha Korea, ha-ha Japan, in fact, we have our own very good culture, we should pay more attention to our own old ancestor’s things.” At an event, the host asked him to thank his Korean fans in Korean. He refused, “I don’t learn Korean, please use Chinese if you want to talk to me.” Regardless of how coquettish other stars may be, he has always been proud to be Chinese, emphasizing publicly on more than one occasion that “Chinese songs are the most diao.”

He is a man of virtue and talent, a man of work and character, who cherishes his influence, promotes traditional culture, and leads his fans to become better people. That’s what makes a quality idol that stands the test of time.

At one time, almost everyone’s song list, there is a Jay Chou. He filled our youth and raised our aesthetics. Nowadays, more and more shoddy songs are flooding the market and occupying the traffic. Even Jay Chou was asked by his fans to sing a song called “Learning to Catcall” when he had a concert.

Some people lamented, “The Chinese music scene has degenerated from the gods and goddesses to the classification of garbage.” Others said, “Jay Chou is no longer a match for Shake Shack’s Divine Comedy.”

It should never be so.

We are our own judges of what is an enduring song and what is an icon that should be revered. Years ago, Jay made a wish: “I hope it’s not just your youth, because I want you to listen to my songs for the rest of your life.”

“Singing Myth” Jay Chou’s Inspirational Story II:

Success is about persistence

When he was four years old, his parents divorced, and his mother raised him with hard work. When he was in elementary school, he fell in love with music and longed for a piano of his own, but he knew his mother was not rich and was too embarrassed to ask. His mother saw what he was thinking and said to him, “Son, as long as you are sincere in your love of music, mom will buy you a piano, but you have to promise your mother that you will be good at what you do.” He happily promised his mother. The youngster secretly vowed, “I will be worthy of my mom!” After graduating from high school, he didn’t get into college, and his mother found him a job at a logistics company. He refused, saying, “Mom, my dream is music. “He went to work as a pianist in a bar, accompanying singers who sang in the bar. He played the piano very well, but no one cared about his performance; the applause from the customers went to the singers.

After work, he writes some lyrics, composes his own music and sings it himself. His heart was filled with his dream to become a professional singer one day. Then, by a chance, he was discovered by Wu Zongxian, a famous Taiwanese entertainer, who brought him to his company to work as a music production assistant. During this period, he kept




I'm a mixed Chinese-American, now in Hunan, China, and I love storytellers.