How to create an Electroneum wallet and how to use it

4 min readNov 6, 2017


We have noticed questions coming a lot of times. One of them is how to create an electroneum wallet and how can we check our current balance.

It’s true, the only solution is quite complicated for beginners.

While waiting for an easier solution, we have decided to create a guide for you.

  • Go to the Electroneum Github page to download their latest release here.
  • Depending of your operating systems, download the appropriate build under “Downloads”.
  • Once the download is finished, extract the archive in your Download folder.
  • Open the extracted folder, you should see multiple files. One of them is called “electroneum-wallet-cli”. This is the file that will create our electroneum wallet.

From now on, depending of your operating system the processus is slightly different.


  • In the bottom left search bar, type “cmd” then enter.
  • Type “cd Downloads”, then enter.
  • Then “cd win-x64–0”, then enter.
  • Then “./electroneumd”, it will launch a daemon and start a synchronisation with the electroneum blockchain. It may take some times.
  • Once the synchronisation is done open a new command line by typing “cmd” in the bottom left search bar.
  • Then “cd Downloads”, enter.
  • Then “cd win-x64–0”, enter.
  • Then “./electroneum-wallet-cli”, it will launch the script to create our wallet and use it.
The different step to create a wallet
  • Once the script is launched, you will be asked for your wallet name. If it doesn’t exist it will create one with the name you choose. Type the name of the wallet you want to give. Here it’s “test”.
  • It will tell you that no wallet has been found and ask you if you want to create a new one. Type “Y” to confirm.
  • Then it will ask you the password you want to set, and a confirmation.
  • Finaly type the number corresponding of the language you want. “1” for English.
  • Your wallet has been created, please write down the 25 words that the script will give you. It will help you in case of wallet loss.

Mac OS / Linux

  • Open (you can type the commands cmd+space and type Terminal)
  • Type “cd Downloads” then enter.
  • Then “cd macOS-x64–0”/or “cd linux-x64–0”, then enter.
  • Then “./electroneumd”, it will launch a daemon and start a synchronisation with the electroneum blockchain. It may take some times.
  • Once the synchronisation is done open (you can type the commands cmd+space and type Terminal)
  • Then “cd Downloads”, enter.
  • Then “cd mac-x64–0”, enter.
  • Then “./electroneum-wallet-cli”, it will launch the script to create our wallet.
The different step to create a wallet
  • Once the script is launched, you will be asked for your wallet name. If it doesn’t exist, it will create one with the name you choose. Type the name of the wallet you want to give. Here it’s “test”.
  • It will tell you that no wallet has been found and asks you if you want to create a new one. Type “Y” to confirm.
  • Then it will ask you the password you want to set, and a confirmation.
  • Finaly type the number corresponding of the language you want. “1” for English.
  • Your wallet has been created, please write down the 25 words that the script will give you. It will help you in case of wallet loss.

From now on you have successfully created an electroneum wallet.

Thanks to that, you can execute different operations on your wallet. We will list some of the most important.

To do that, launch the electroneum-wallet-cli with the same process we did earlier. (enter your password to unlock your wallet)

Don’t forget to launch the daemon electroneumd with the same procedure if you kill it.

When launching the electroneum-wallet-cli you should have something like this:

  • To know you current balance just type “balance”.
  • To show your public address just type “address”.
  • To transfer token from your wallet to another one type: “transfer RECIPIENT_WALLET_ADDRESS AMOUNT_OF_TOKEN_TO_SEND”. (for exemple: “transfer etnkKs853nRh1wn2kPGcDfdqkVDyrV93R3WBYKiYeiAaXNSLnELm4WRYJeApbwXvE6WEKwq7y221aVqbpe5WtRAb9VrbFsqLG2 10000”)

You can find more commands by tapping “help” in the console.

Now, you know how to create your own electroneum address and how to use it.

I hope you find this guide interesting, if so help us to get more visibility by clapping our article and by leaving a comment.

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