How to mine Electroneum with huge benefits

Keeping Stock
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2017

Notes: You should have already an electroneum address to store your coins.

Minining crypto-currency is getting harder and harder, especially for Bitcoin/Ethereum as the difficulty to mine a block is incresasing.

With Electroneum, a new crypto-currency based on monero blockchain it’s much easier to mine.

This article is designed to teach you how to surf on this wave and make huge profit.

So far I’ve made 7000 $ in less than 48 hours, to give you an idea.


NiceHash is a marketplace selling hash power to their customer.

We will use it to get huge power hashrate in order to get the maxium reward from a block.


Electromine is a mining pool, it’s is designed to mine a block faster. To resume a mining pool is an “alliance of miner” who are mining together.

There is different mining pool as the asian/eu/usa but there are facing problems rewarding their miner and has more fees.

That’s the reason we are gonna use electromine mining pool.

Let’s start, first create an account on NiceHash and login.

We need to fill our account of bitcoin, that’s how we are gonna pay. Click on deposit and transfer your coin to Nicehash.

Once it’s done, we will set up the mining pool we want to mine. Click on “for buyers” and select “my pool”.

Add a new pool, then fill as follow.

Add new pool informations

Then you need to allow buying action. To do so, go to “setting”, on the left “buying”. Click on enable and enter the code sent to you by email.

Go to “Live marketplace”, select “cryptoNight” algorithm in the menu.

Depending your location, choose the best rate/price that you spot.

Then click on “standard” order, and fill your order with the one you find.

Once the order is done, mining is start :)

From now on you can relax.

You can check how much you earn on Electromine website.

If you have any question regarding this you can join their Telegram, or leave a comment here.

I hope you enjoyed the read,

Electromine website:

Electromine Telegram :

