Interaction Design

1 min readFeb 2, 2016


In this project, I designed an application which can help people upload the water they found and also can find the water they want via this app. I drew the UI during the studio and make it work by pop, a software which you can use to design your own applications’ Ui.

The problem I realized in my project is that the buttons which have the same function should have the same icon and the same location. For example in two different interface of an email application, the button “write a new email” should have the same icon and in the same position, like the right up corner of the interface.

I like this project because the designing of interface is also a important part of human centered design. Because the interface is the tool which let your applications communicate with users. There are lots of things need to be human centered during the designing of interface.

Interaction design is becoming more and more important in the designing of software. Some huge company like Google were trying to improve the interaction design since few years ago. A better interface should now what users might want to do in this interface and have more functions which can improve users’ satisfaction. All in all, an human centered interaction design is really necessary for a software.

