Frankfurt, the most sustainable city on the planet

2 min readAug 8, 2018


A sustainable city is the definition given to cities that are built around measures of environmental protection, this means, a sustainable city strives to coexist with the planet by reducing human foot print in a considerable way.

To illustrate this, we will take the example of a leader in this matter: Frankfurt, Germany. The main goal for Frankfurt is to reduce their CO2 emissions by 50% by 2030. CO2 emissions originate mainly from burning fossil fuels and the concrete industry.

In the atmosphere, CO2 has a similar effect to glass in a greenhouse: it lets the sun in but does not let the heat out. Because we have been releasing substantial quantities of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere over the past 100 years, we have contributed to the natural greenhouse effect, with a negative impact on the global climate. In the years ahead, it is estimated that the temperature on earth will rise by 2° C to 5° C and it is yet to be seen how drastically the change will affect us.

That is why Frankfurt made the commitment in 2000 to be the greenest, most sustainable city on the planet.

Frankfurt developed a plan, which follows as this:

1) Reduce 10% of CO2 emissions every year.

2) Create a giant solar panel grid on the city. On the roofs of 19 properties in Nordend, Heddernheim and Bockenheim there are nearly 3,000 m² of solar panels with an annual yield of around 300,000 kWh. This shows a commitment from the citizens in changing their energy consumption habits.

3) Create a green belt around the city. Frankfurt’s Park Department tended 200,000 trees around the city, creating a green belt that produces more oxygen and absorbs CO2 emitted from cars and industries

4) Frankfurt is the first city in Germany to reward electricity saving with a cash bonus. People who reduce their electricity consumption by at least 10 percent within a year receive a bonus of €20 from the city plus 10 cents for every additional kilowatt-hour saved.

5) If you are a company, you can take advantage of the ECOPROFIT plan, which means the business sector has a way of contributing to sustainable development in Frankfurt. Giving companies access to environmental and energy management systems, which saves costs, limits the amount of natural resources consumed and reduces negative effects on the environment.

These are just small actions a community can do. Frankfurt committed to be a sustainable community and achieved their goal in 2015 when Frankfurt was named the most sustainable city in the Sustainable Cities Index by Arcadis, compiled by the Centre for Economics and Business Research. This index evaluates 50 global cities regarding environmental, economical and social issues.

