Xi Protocol — Mission Updates and Utility Expansions
Geometric-2 and DOGE-1 Mission Update
The Geometric-2 mission and DOGE-1 mission licensing approvals with the FCC are still undergoing further coordination with mission management as well as the NTIA and NASA. GEC expects approval upcoming in alignment with a NET Transporter-10 SpaceX launch in collaboration with our integration partner Maverick Space to launch the MOXY-1 and NOCLIP-1 satellites which were completed by Exobotics. There is the final assembly build of DOGE-1 to begin at Exobotics beyond the Flatsat configuration in alignment with the launch timing to the Moon as per fulfillment of the GEC SpaceX LSA which is manifested on IM-1.
The resolution of open issues with Files # 0811-EX-CN-2022 (Geometric-2) & 0083-EX-CN-2022 (DOGE-1) NASA Frequency Assignment issues is sought with NASA Glenn Research Center, namely ensuring regulatory concerns of the requested operations conform especially the requested center point frequency of 8262.5 MHz and the interference concerns with the proposed uplink operations using a frequency of 2109.5 MHz.
DOGE-1 INCA Data Buys
The Geometric Energy Corporation DOGE-1 lunar rideshare mission satellite payload complement includes an Interoperable Network Communication Architecture (INCA) radio experiment.
The DOGE-1 INCA experiment plans to generate at least two data sets that may be of interest to NASA, or other space agencies and space companies, or Xi Protocol Metaoracle users, using a combination of onboard equipment and the DOGE-1 Mission and Payload Operations Control Center computational resources.
(1) Correlated Cislunar S & X Band QoS Data: DOGE-1 includes an S-Band transceiver/antenna and an X-Band transmitter/antenna, both of which are Software Defined Radios (SDRs) and an ancillary computing capacity on orbit and in the Mission and Payload Operations Control Center (MPOCC) to provide correlated Quality of Service (QoS) data in terms of performance, availability, and security. Each of the SDRs has multiple defined emissions, which will be modeled in ANSYS STK and correlated at the MPOCC with the raw QoS data received from the satellite and the Goonhilly Downs Earth Station using OpenMCT and the XISP-Inc state model extensions.
(2) Correlated GNSS Above Constellation Data: DOGE-1 includes an unlocked multi-channel GNSS card, antenna, and software set capable of receiving and processing Global Positioning System (GPS) weak signals. The possibility exists that other GNSS weak signals may also be accessible (e.g., GALILEO, GLONASS, and BEIDOU). Using a combination of the ancillary computing capacity on orbit and in the Mission and Payload Operations Control Center (MPOCC) using OpenMCT and the XISP-Inc state model extensions. The returned GNSS card data will be analyzed to attempt recovery of a correlatable Quality of Service (QoS) function in terms of performance, availability, and security. It is anticipated that ANSYS STK and other analytical resources will be used.
GEC and XISP-Inc will be able to provide these data sets to an exclusive or non-exclusive space agency or company customer, or have decentralized data access in response to Metaoracle queries if deemed appropriate.
There are a number of required disclosures with respect to the DOGE-1 mission:
- The baseline nominal trajectory from Trans Lunar Injection to a semi-circularized lunar orbit could take as long as three months to achieve (separation parameters and state vectors are time-dependent and therefore TBD with error bars not closing in until near launch, and subject to primary launch payload requirements (IM-1)).
- The propulsion system performance is heavily dependent on the TBD achievable duty cycle of the DOGE-1 satellite bus propulsion system in Cislunar space.
- The nominal operational life cycle of the DOGE-1 spacecraft will be approximately two years in space.
- The DOGE-1 Software Defined Radios do not have a built-in Doppler ranging function, so the correlation between the actual spacecraft trajectory and the ANSYS STK Astrogator modeled trajectory must be precise enough to enable the next scheduled Earth Station contact.
- There are multiple factors that could decrease or increase the potential life cycle of the spacecraft (e.g., low probability degenerate trajectory cases, trajectory modeling failure that results in the loss of the spacecraft, propulsion modeling failure, thermal cycling failure, failure to recover from a radiation-induced failure, hardware fault, software fault).
- DOGE-1 is equivalent to a NASA Class D mission where a medium or significant risk of not achieving mission success is permitted along with minimal assurance standards. (Reference definitions in https://explorers.larc.nasa.gov/APMIDEX2016/MO/pdf_files/Class-D-Exec1_PE-Forum.pdf)
- DOGE-1 is a lunar rideshare mission, in addition to the baked-in risk factors associated with the spacecraft and the payloads, there are multiple risk factors that have been found to be unmitigable within the scope of the DOGE-1 mission by either the satellite owner and/or the XISP-Inc MPOCC (e.g., launch vehicle failures, extreme space weather events, orbital debris impact, and Earth Station failure).
While the risks associated with the mission are considerable, the idea that a small business can commercially commission, procure, license, test, fly, and operate a lunar orbiting spacecraft that successfully provides data of significant value is a substantive precedent. Furthermore, the integration with web3 connected space infrastructure and decentralized user experience access retains the ethos of crypto adoption in space industry applications.
Upcoming Seoul Art Innovation Gallery Exhibition
Art Innovation is the world’s first digital art gallery that stands out for its innovative curating, i.e. it displays digital artworks on the largest and most prominent LED billboards around the world, in the US in Europe in Asia etc. It always selects only the largest screens of the highest technological quality in the world. Exhibitions are public (because they are located in public squares such as in Times Square, on the floating platform in the ocean in Miami Beach, SOGO Department store in Hong Kong, Piazza Gae Aulenti in Milan etc.. ) and always occur at and during major art fairs such as Art Basel, Frieze, The Armory Show etc. and/or catalyzing the digital art market (NFT). Stay tuned for which of the space display claims to be shown on MOXY-1 and DOGE-1 that are booked now on XiProtocol.io will be live on the ground at the Digital Art Exhibition in Seoul on screens in South Korea throughout September 4–10, 2023!
After attempted subcontractor companies were not able to conduct the cable assembly required for the necessary plug-and-play SATCOM operation required for users, there were meetings last week which introduced another new solutions provider who has mentioned they will be able to execute doing so and will be announced when successful. The matter requires alignment with Orbcomm to collaborate with their field engineers to ensure connectivity to Inmarsat for users of the Xi Protocol Metaoracle network with custom oracle temperature reporting script loaded as firmware on the ST9100 Units which are expected to ship when further development matters are resolved.
Xi Protocol Time Share Utility Service for OMNI-LER1
In collaboration with Internet Think Tank Corporation (INTTK.COM), we announce the new service to resell time-based access to the OMNI-LER1 satellite with Xi Tokens for approved experiment and data tasking with a Customer fee structure accessing the TESEREX program through GEC as follows:
- Signup fee — for account configuration
- Time usage — pay by time blocks
- Pay for onboard computing time of: camera images, camera video, dosimeters, temp, accelerometers, gyro, magnetometer
TESEREX Program GEC Customer features:
- Customer receives access to portal through which commands are sent to satellite
- Portal access routes through INTTK Mission Command and Control (MCC) and to array of six satellite ground stations.
- Uses OMNI-LER1 standard APIs for accessing sensor array.
- Customer can coordinate with Mission Command and Control (MCC) to upload software or have software installed pre-launch (process follows strict quality control through test environments).
Security assurances regarding INTTK:
- INTTK monitors and regulates usage to ensure safe communication with satellite(s).
- High physical and logical security measures in place to protect the integrity of the satellite(s).
- Pricing based on the initial price schedule provided by INTTK, that is subscription and time-usage based, GEC resells ongoing re-quoted time access with Xi Tokens as payment.
Expanded Use Case of Sensors, Dosimeters, Blockchain Transactions
GEC is developing a Metaoracle predictor which can use temperature sensors to show actual temperature and compare with predicted temperature of Accuweather, Google, and Chainlink data feeds. The expansion of this service through OMNI-LER1 can apply for radiation detection as well as connect with INTTK blockchain transaction capabilities:
- spot transactions — buy data on demand
- futures transactions — pay now for data captured in the future designated time
- options transaction — pay for data at the moment a condition is met (i.e.: radiation level passes a predetermined threshold).
New Xi Protocol Website
XiProtocol.io is in the process of launching a new website later this month which has a significant design revamp underway to include the above mentioned details and further progress to come! Keep updated on our web3 and space journey by joining the community on Telegram (t.me/SpaceGreeks), and following the community Twitter (Twitter.com/YourTimeInSpace)!