Xmoneta for users

2 min readDec 5, 2017


Modern smartphone owner used to comfort lifestyle, and that’s why our priority is to make maximum easy, reliable and user-friendly interface, allowing its users to do everything: chatting, messaging, having video calls, sending voicemails, sending emoticons and stickers, booking different services, buying goods and interacting with businesses.

You can create a nickname and people will be able to find you, even if don’t know your phone number.

Multi-search allows you to find everything in one field with instant result.

Thanks to the autosave function, you can always be distracted from writing a message and then come back to the draft version of it. 12

You can edit or delete your message on the recipient side after it has been sent. It is possible to do during 2 days after sending.

Text formatting. Hashtags function. Blacklists.

Choosing the certain message to answer.

You can mute notification for certain user or group.

You can send any file up to 1,5 Gb in any amount.

In case of broken connection, you can always resume your downloads from where they were left off.

Unlimited cloud storage with the opportunity to sort files by categories

Secret chat mode with end-to-end encryption. Messages are not decrypted by servers and saved on the interlocutors’ devices only.

