Weight Loss: Does “food replacement” work?

Xndo- Low calorie meal Singapore
3 min readMay 30, 2017


Look up the internet and you will actually come across a host of articles and blog posts offering you guidance regarding your weight loss aspirations. What more? There is, in fact, a plethora of posts documenting the amazing weight lose stories scripted by super obese men and women. Some of them will tell you that they have been able to achieve desired results even after Binging- while there are others who will tell you that they have brought about drastic lifestyle changes in order to achieve what they have actually ended up achieving today!

Is losing weight a difficult “exercise”?

Different people — different weight loss stories. It is actually very difficult to plan out your weight loss routine depending on these posts. What might have worked for others might not necessarily work for you. The key is to understand that neither exercise nor diet works in isolation in these cases. The combination of a balanced diet and physical exercise is crucial here.

When it comes to food or diet (in the context of weight loss) one should duly make himself aware of the benefits of food replacement as well. No! We are not exactly asking you to cut off everything solid or “carbohydrate-rich” from your diet. However, what you can do is settle for the packaged drinks designed to help you in different ways towards your weight loss journey! And yes! These packaged drinks might as well facilitate your weight loss efforts in more ways than you can actually imagine. And yes they should be consumed in place of your meals. Let us explore their merits.

Finding out about food replacement drinks and more

Pick up weight loss drinks that can actually help you reduce your calorie intake by 400 to 700 K(CAL). Take these drinks every day instead of your ordinary meal and you will be able to see the change yourself.

There are other drinks that need not replace your regular meals but can be taken along with the meals. There are packaged drinks that actually help your body to block the amount of carbs absorbed by it. Carbs turning into sugar have a big role to play in making you fat.

Then there are drinks that improve your satiety so that you don’t feel hungry all the time. It means you are absorbing lesser amount of food and keeping your weight under control.

Educating yourself about these weight loss drinks

Educate yourself about the detox drinks that can actually go on to cleanse your system. An important part of your weight loss journey is a system free from toxins.

Make sure you’re consulting your dietician before procuring any of these drinks. Read the labels thoroughly before picking a product up. Don’t hesitate to educate yourself more about the different aspects of these drinks before consuming them.

Another important step on your part would be to acquaint yourself with the credentials of the store from which you are actually buying your drinks. Make sure you are only posing your faith in a trustworthy name.

Popular Link : Dietary food Singapore,

Source: https://www.newsbreakapp.com/news/weight-loss-does-food-replacement-work?s=a99&id=07YJd2jA



Xndo- Low calorie meal Singapore

Xndo is among the leading diet food provider throughout Singapore. At Xndo, we provide different eating routine nourishment through Singapore.