Building a Node.js REST API 4: DB Connect and Config

4 min readJul 25, 2016



Welcome again! If you reached this post from nowhere and don’t understand what all this is about, you can check out the previous posts:

You can find the code for this tutorial in GitHub.

The database connection

So in our last post we left our project with the mongoose models ready to be used. All we need to do now is connect to a real mongo database and start using our models to manipulate the data on it.

In order to connect to the database we need to have some specific data from our MongoDB server. And in any real world case, you would have multiple instances of your MongoDB server or at least 2: one for development and one for production. So it makes sense to keep all this environment dependent information in a separate place, so that we can just tell our API to connect to the database and by checking the current node environment (the NODE_ENV variable) it will connect to the correct instance.

What we’ll do to solve this issue is create a very simple configuration module. You can also use any of the several alternatives that already exist in the npm repository if you prefer.

Environments Configuration

Let’s start by creating a new directory under our existing config directory called env. This directory will hold our environment dependent properties.

cd config
mkdir env

Now let’s create an index.js file on this directory and put the following contents on it:

const env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development';
const config = require(`./${env}`);

export default config;

This will be the entry point. Every time we import the configuration to access the different properties it has, we’ll do it by requiring (or importing) this file.

What this module does is simple: it checks what is the current NODE_ENV value defaulting to development in case the variable is not set. Then it will return as configuration object the module within the same directory with the same name as the NODE_ENV value. So if for example NODE_ENV=production, it will return the configuration in config/env/production.js. This means we need to create one configuration file for each of the environments we have. So let’s just create the development.js file since we only have a development environment for now.

export default {
env: 'development',
db: 'mongodb://localhost/node-es6-api-dev',
port: 3000

So we have only three properties now:

  • env which is just a shorthand to know in which environment are we currently
  • db which stores the database connection string
  • port which stores the port where we want to run our express server

Let’s first update our root index.js file to make use of the configuration instead of the hardcoded port value:

import app from './config/express';
import config from './config/env';

app.listen(config.port, () => {
console.log(`API Server started and listening on port ${config.port} (${config.env})`);

export default app;

Now whenever we want to change the port where our server listens we can just update the environment configuration file.

Fixing the export.default issue

As shown before in the config/env/index.js file code, we’re exporting with export default config. If you try to compile now our Babel code with gulp babel, you’ll notice in the dist directory that the generated javascript code has this:

exports.default = config;

This means that whenever we want to require or import this module, we need to do it like this:


This looks ugly, but luckily there’s a Babel plugin which helps us to get rid of this kind of transpilation behaviour, so let’s install it!

npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-add-module-exports@0.2.1

And let’s add it to our .babelrc configuration file:

"presets": [
"plugins": [

So if you now run the gulp babel task, you can check again the transpiled file in the dist directory and it should’ve changed to have this as last line:

module.exports = exports['default'];

This helps us to get rid of that ugly require(…).default :)

Connecting to the DB

Now let’s add a few more lines to our main index.js file so that it can connect to our MongoDB:

import mongoose from 'mongoose';
import app from './config/express';
import config from './config/env';

mongoose.connection.on('error', () => {
throw new Error(`unable to connect to database: ${config.db}`);
mongoose.connection.on('connected', () => {
console.log(`Connected to database: ${config.db}`);

if (config.env === 'development') {
mongoose.set('debug', true);

app.listen(config.port, () => {
console.log(`API Server started and listening on port ${config.port} (${config.env})`);

export default app;

That’s it. We’re getting the database connection string from the environment configuration. This way you can provide configurations for development, staging, production or even test environments and the server will connect automatically depending on the NODE_ENV set.

We are also setting the mongoose debug property to true when we’re running on development environment. This flag is useful to understand the queries that are hitting our database.

If everything went well, then you can run the server with gulp nodemon and you should see an output similar to this:

API Server started and listening on port 3000 (development)
Connected to database: mongodb://localhost/node-es6-api-dev

Coming up next…

Now our server is running and connected to our MongoDB. The next step will be to add the first endpoints to start playing with the database and express routes! Look forward to see you on the next post

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