Published inHackerNoon.comWordPress to Static Site Generator (Hugo) Migration and DeploymentThis article will show you how to migrate a simple WordPress website to a static site generator (Hugo) and host it for free on…Sep 29, 20183Sep 29, 20183
Published inHackerNoon.comWhy Migrate from WordPress to a Static Site GeneratorThe initial choice for WordPress was because of the content management system (CMS) and ease of use. WordPress also powers more than 31% of…Sep 24, 20186Sep 24, 20186
Published inWe’ve moved to End-to-End Testing is Important for Your TeamHow our team implemented end to end testing in 4 easy stepsDec 4, 201711Dec 4, 201711
Published incodeburstMarvel API + Vuepack (Vue + Vuex)Getting Started with Vue, Vuex, and API callsNov 12, 20173Nov 12, 20173
Why Unit Test in JavaScript?In my last blog post A Web Developer’s Transition From School to the Workplace I wrote that as a web developer, you should never stop…Jan 21, 2016Jan 21, 2016
A Web Developer’s Transition from School to the WorkplaceIt has been around a year since I graduated and I can still remember how anxious I was about going into the workplace. After nearly a year…Mar 3, 2015Mar 3, 2015