7 Reasons Why Singapore’s Crime Rate is so Low

4 min readMay 14, 2019
Photo by Bna Ignacio on Unsplash

Talk about Singapore and their crime rate will almost always be mentioned. Unlike other countries, including those nearby, the crime rate in Singapore is so low that the country is considered one of the safest in the world.

In fact, it is so safe that if people leave their stuff in the middle of a busy shop or restaurant, they will likely still find it exactly where they left it. People are so complacent about their safety that it is not an issue for both locals and foreigners alike to walk down an empty street during odd hours at night. Being mugged or harmed is the least of their worries.

Of course, no country has a zero crime rate and Singapore is no exception. However, what is undeniable is that it is extremely low. We will explore some of the reasons why this may be.

1: Full enforcement of their laws deters people from committing crimes.

Locals and foreigners alike tread carefully in Singapore and avoid committing crimes as they know they will be easily discovered once they do so. Unlike in other countries where you can get away from petty crimes by being apologetic or slipping some bills on the greasy hands of officers, doing so is no dice in Singapore. No one is definitely above the law here.

