Why Canadians Are So Nice

4 min readMay 27, 2019
Photo by Kal Visuals on Unsplash

It’s a cruel world, they say, but not if you visit Canada! In a materialistic era where good people are rare, and mostly anyone will ever be polite to you for some personal gain, it’s hard to encounter genuinely nice people. Such a world makes the Canadians stand out as one rare nation with generally good manners and a helpful nature, making them known for their niceness and public courtesy.

A survey done by The Canada Project found 66% of its people to support this cliché, thinking they’re actually as nice as the world deems them to be. The reasons for this positive attitude have long been speculated and debated, with many dismissing the notion as a mere stereotype. Of course, generalizing a certain attribute over an entire nation makes it obvious that it is meant for most, not ALL. There could be mean Canadians, but the number of nice ones overrules them!

How Nice Are They?

Juan Gavasa, an author on panamericanworld.com, goes as far as saying, “Canada is to niceness as Saudi Arabia is to oil.” Travelers to the country are mostly left raving about the positivity of its natives, except for a select few who claim to have had less than ideal encounters. Polite sign boards and friendly locals have made the ‘nice’ image of Canada even more accepted.

