How to Build an Esports Ecosystem: Ten Design Principles

XR Sports
3 min readApr 13, 2020
Esports ecosystem diagram by XR Sports Group.

Esports is a nascent industry within the gaming space. Gaming & esports likely hold the key to connecting to the next generation of consumers. As the enterprise of esports grows there will be core tenets adopted that help propel the space into the mainstream. Traditional sports leagues will all look to leverage digital entertainment (gaming & esports) as key revenue drivers. North American professional sports leagues have all adopted core tenets that fundamentally shape the culture and ultimately appeal to the fanbases they attract. The National Basketball Association is a players first league. The National Football League will protect the shield and Major League Baseball will preserve the legacy of a simpler time. Esports, a term that represents a much broader scope than any one professional league or game title, will be required to display more of its core tenets as the space matures.

Professional esports is still a long way from traditional sports in terms of the infrastructure in place that delivers a significant and consistent revenue stream. Traditional sports, in many cases, have about a one hundred-year head start on esports in that regard. But esports does have some very intriguing elements. No traditional sports teams have mastered global connectivity the way esports has. And the communities built around esports, in respect to the access esports fans have to pro players and esports influencers in unparalleled in traditional pro sports. We believe esports will ultimately be home to the most profitable collection sports franchises in history. Having said that, professional esports must still embrace technological advances and not only look to replicate what traditional sports have done.

We’ve put together a list of esports ecosystem design principles that traditional pro sports leagues & esports organizations must put top of mind and bake into every element of the construction of their esports ecosystem.

#1: Put gamers front and center.

At the core of every ecosystem is the community. Gamers must play an active role in any esports business initiatives that a professional team launches. Create solutions that are gamer-centric.

#2: Influencers must drive the initial engagement.

For every business in the twenty-first century, influencers play a critical role. Esports is no different. Get your community influencers to spark excitement for your esports events.

#3: Create a digital (online) home.

Similar to the local recreation centers, neighborhood parks and gyms across the country, esports has digital parks for gamers to congregate. Pro esports teams need to have an exclusive digital home for their fans to connect. This destination cannot just be a social media page.


#4: Enlist collaborators. Everyone is invited.

Sometimes easier said than done, but diversity and inclusion must be essential to building a successful long-term, vibrant esports ecosystem. Everyone in your esports ecosystem has something to contribute.

#5: Foster conversations.

Create interactions among peers that lead to action. Host online tournaments; facilitate user generated content.

#6: Prioritize data intelligence.

Make data management a core competency. Esports will generate more data points that any competitive sports league in history. Build data solutions into your esports programs from their inception.

#7: Live the values.

Be clear about your values and demonstrate to the gaming community your shared values. Walk the walk. You must model the behavior you wish to attract.

#8: Tell the community’s authentic story.

No two gaming communities are exactly alike. Embrace what makes your esports community special and create stories out of those strengths.

#9: Integrate marketing partners at every step.

Find brands that reflect the values you hold and integrate them seamlessly into your esports ecosystem. Think about leveraging a gaming centric rewards program versus a traditional advertisement program.

#10: Start, be patient.

Building your esports ecosystem requires a long-term vision. We’re just at the beginning of this marathon. Ready. Set.

About XR Sports:

XR Sports Group is an esports software solutions provider who has expertise in end-to-end information technology life cycles and data solutions. XR Sports works with professional sports leagues, esports organizations and corporate brands non-endemic to the gaming & esports industry to design and administer esports ecosystems and superior technical processes. For more information about esports ecosystems, visit or email



XR Sports

XR Sports helps organizations and brands connect with the gaming & esports community. We share stories about the world of digital entertainment.