Review: KAWA T6&T6 Pro Security Cameras-The Dawn of True Color Night Vision for Security Cameras Industry

Charlene Chan
4 min readJun 11, 2023

The advent of color movies in 1906 marked a significant milestone in the history of cinema, bringing a vibrant and immersive visual experience to audiences. However, despite the passage of over a century, black and white imagery still dominates certain areas, such as security camera footage. In this article, we explore the exciting possibilities of true color night vision in security cameras, with a particular focus on the revolutionary KAWA T6 & T6 Pro models. These cameras are redefining the concept of color night vision and are set to usher in a new era of enhanced surveillance capabilities.

The Limitations of Existing Color Night Vision:

Traditional color night vision cameras rely on spotlights or floodlights to provide additional illumination during nighttime recording. While these solutions do offer some color capabilities, they are often limited in range and fail to capture the full spectrum of color across the entire field of view. Consequently, the resulting footage only showcases color in the immediate vicinity of the light source, leaving the rest of the scene in black and white.

Introducing KAWA T6 & T6 Pro

The Next Generation of Color Night Vision: In contrast to conventional options, KAWA T6 & T6 Pro security cameras are designed to overcome the limitations of existing color night vision technology. These innovative cameras utilize cutting-edge features and advanced engineering to deliver a truly immersive color night vision experience.

Unveiling the True Color Night Vision of KAWA T6 & T6 Pro

One of the most remarkable aspects of the KAWA T6 & T6 Pro cameras is their ability to capture the entire field of view in vivid color, even in low-light conditions. Unlike spotlights or floodlights, which only illuminate a limited area, KAWA T6 & T6 Pro leverage groundbreaking technology to ensure that every detail within the scene is preserved in its true colors. This groundbreaking advancement allows users to perceive and analyze their surroundings with unparalleled clarity, enhancing security and situational awareness.

Comparing the Results

KAWA T6 & T6 Pro vs. Traditional Color Night Vision: To showcase the stark contrast between KAWA T6 & T6 Pro and conventional color night vision cameras, we present a series of effect comparison pictures. These images clearly demonstrate the limitations of spotlights and highlight the full-color capabilities of KAWA T6 & T6 Pro, providing a comprehensive view even in complete darkness. The difference in quality and range is astounding, with KAWA T6 & T6 Pro delivering a truly immersive and detailed color night vision experience.

Embracing the Future of Surveillance

With the imminent launch of KAWA T6 & T6 Pro on Kickstarter, security camera enthusiasts and professionals alike have a chance to be at the forefront of this groundbreaking technology. To make it even more exciting, KAWA is offering pre-launch activities with opportunities to win exciting prizes. Don’t miss your chance to be part of the true color night vision era.


The introduction of color movies in 1906 revolutionized the cinematic experience, and now, KAWA T6 & T6 Pro security cameras are poised to revolutionize the field of surveillance. By breaking free from the limitations of traditional color night vision cameras, KAWA T6 & T6 Pro provide a comprehensive and immersive view in vivid colors, even in the darkest of environments. This represents a significant step forward in surveillance technology, enhancing security and situational awareness. As the launch of KAWA T6 & T6 Pro approaches, make sure to take advantage of the pre-launch activities and be part of the next-gen color night vision revolution. Click here for more information and the chance to win exciting prizes.

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Who am I? I’m Charlene Chan, I love traveling, drawing, museums, encyclopedias, writing, and I usually try interesting daily necessities. Medium is a new field for me, and I will share what I see and think here in the future.

