XS2 Vision — The Crypto Era is Here

XS2 Exchange
7 min readNov 13, 2018


The crypto era is here

Crypto is here to stay and we are just at the start of the crypto era. The direction we’re taking with XS2 is based on the following view of where we believe crypto is headed…

Bitcoin is the reserve cryptocurrency

In 2017 we saw a large number of forks trying to create a better bitcoin. Many new cryptocurrencies have been launched to dethrone bitcoin, but today bitcoin still has over 50% market share. While bitcoin isn’t technically the best solution, it has these attributes:

  • Track record — 10 years of track record and a core development team that is known for being incredibly conservative and slow to make changes provide trust in bitcoin.
  • Decentralised — while mining is controlled by several large pools, they can’t change the rules of the network. They can do a 51% attack and double spend, but there is no financial incentive to do so. Other chains such as Ripple, NEO, Stellar, EOS are much faster, but the rules can be changed by only a few participants.
  • Huge hashing power — The hashing power securing the bitcoin network is enormous.
  • Store of value — As the most trusted and stable cryptocurrency it is the primary crypto store of value.

Ethereum is the token and smart contract platform

Over the last 12 months many Ethereum-killers have gone live, but Ethereum is still the place to issue tokens. There are a few reasons for this:

  • Ecosystem — Ethereum has a large ecosystem of wallets, decentralised exchanges, block explorers, etc.
  • Decentralised — Ethereum is one of the most decentralised blockchains out there with multiple independently developed software implementation. Most of the competitors to Ethereum are highly centralised at the moment.

On and off ramps will be ubiquitous

Buying bitcoin with fiat currency has gotten a lot easier over the last few years and will continue to become easier. The transaction fees will come down due to increased competition.

The tokenisation of everything

Stocks, bonds, options, gold, silver, oil, indexes, property, mutual funds, venture funds… there are many ways to invest your money. One thing they all have in common: they are better if you can trade them in any quantity at any time in a global 24/7 marketplace with minimal fees. And this is the benefit tokenisation brings.


Collectable markets (blog.hobbydb.com)

Cryptokitties may seem silly to some, but collecting, whether baseball cards, stamps, comics or cryptokitties is a large market. The collectables industry on the blockchain is still in its infancy. Buying collectables on the blockchain is cumbersome and expensive. It requires the installation of Metamask or similar, the creation of a wallet, safe storage of the wallet private key, etc.

Once collectables become more established, well-known brands will jump on the opportunity of an extra revenue stream. Consider that if the first cryptokitty can sell for over $100k, how much would the official Mickey Mouse from Disney fetch?

Blockchain has technically enabled the true ownership of digital collectables and it’s just a matter of time before every franchise/brand/artist/etc starts issuing collectables.

Privacy coins for the darkweb

Legitimate crypto businesses will slowly move away from privacy coins due to anti-money laundering legislation. As they become more niche and associated with illegal practices, countries may ban their use altogether. They will always be around, but they are likely to be removed from legitimate exchanges.

The decentralised world will be centralised

The revolutionary thing that blockchain brings us is decentralised ownership of digital assets. This however, doesn’t mean everyone should and wants to hold their own assets. Most people will be happy to deal with a custodian they trust and that provides improved security and utility. The important part is that you can be your own bank. That however doesn’t mean you must be.

A few large companies will end up holding a large amount of crypto assets in custody for their customers.

Regulation will tighten, industry will consolidate

The industry is currently flooded with ‘me too’ exchanges. There seem to be two main camps. There’s a large group of anonymous, crypto-only exchanges reporting lots of fake volume, doing wash trading and some of these might be setup to end in an exit scam. Another group is the fiat to crypto exchanges that are launching. They are often country specific and will find it hard to stay in business as margins tighten and their main function will be the on/off ramp. They will also be subject to ever increasing legislation, driving most of these projects out of business.

We’re likely to see an industry that has many country-specific on and off ramps and a limited number of large global players providing a large range of crypto services. Some will focus on day trading, providing the best platform to trade a large range of tokens to trade with sophisticated analysis and graphing tools, margin/options/future trading, complicated order types, etc.

Some will focus on other target markets, like sophisticated investors, collectors, gamblers, etc.

These companies will become the Amazon and Facebooks of the crypto era.

Our fundamentals

As we set out to build a business that can grow to become a major player in the crypto era, we had to get the fundamentals right…

Regulatory compliance

There’s one thing we know for sure about regulation in the crypto industry: there will be more of it. With this in mind, we didn’t look just at the current regulation, but we designed our systems and policies keeping in mind likely rules and regulations that may be introduced. Minimising the impact of future regulation. The way we set things up, it’s more likely we will have to change some of the parameters in our system, rather than rebuild or overhaul our system, so we can quickly adapt to any regulatory changes.


Our platform was developed in-house from the ground up with security and reliability in mind. Keeping 100% of all customer’s assets offline in cold storage, combined with our XSKey system (designed to be more secure than 2FA without the inconveniences) gives many customers a higher level of security compared to managing their own keys.

Trust and transparancy

Trust will become more and more important in the industry, that’s why we’ve taken many steps to help build trust:

  • Live Proof of Solvency
  • Open about who we are (both the company and the team members)
  • Strong team with a long verifiable track record in their industries
  • Easy to reach and responsive on telegram, support and email.
  • Incorporated and based in Australia

Our roadmap

Our overarching goal is to make crypto simple and accessible. Therefore our exact roadmap is bound to evolve as the industry matures, in the short to medium term, we make crypto simpler for our customers with:

Integration with on/off ramps

To allow our customers to easily buy crypto, we plan to integrate with on and off ramps. Countless companies around the world are working on providing better solutions in this space. We do not see a fiat on/off ramp as our core to our business and will therefore find the right partners to integrate with.

Decentralised exchange integration

Networks like Bancor and 0x as well as (semi) decentralised exchanges provide liquidity for many tokens that aren’t listed on any of the large exchanges. The downside of these platforms is that they can currently only be used by tech savvy consumers. We can open these markets up to our customers by integrating with these platforms and providing their benefits while hiding all the complexity and providing the convenience of a secure and centralised wallet.


Currently buying or trading collectables requires skills only available to determined or tech savvy consumers. We aim to allow our customers to buy a wide range of collectables directly from their exchange wallet. They can buy directly from the decentralised markets as well as trade fast and cheaply within the exchange. Storing the collectables in the secure cold storage XS2 provides give our customers ease of use and peace of mind.

Instant and free transfer and payment

Blockchain transfers are cumbersome, complicated and slow, therefore we introduced the sending of crypto by using email or a sharing link that can be used with Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, etc. These XS2 transfers are instant and free between customers. These off-chain transactions are also ideal for merchants and we see a future opportunity to provide a range of merchant services.

Since collectables are stored in our wallets, it will be possible to send your friend a cryptokitty with the same ease.

Mobile first

The vast majority of customers use mobile to access the website. Therefore we have both iOS and Android apps approved and released. Ongoing development focus will be more and more on the mobile experience.


Crypto isn’t going away. The industry will grow and mature. People will need a place that makes crypto simple and secure. We are that place.


