Staker Token Community Forum Launch
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Hello Everyone! Today i bring some exciting goodnews for staker token project,. Today they announce the launch of their official staker community forum.
Aug 28,2018 is an historical day for staker token project, Today is the official launch of their community forum that will enable them to create more vibrant community aside from discord group.
Having a forum provide greater advantages in managing a community since this will enable more engaging discussing and easy community management compare to discord group. As of today joining the staker forum is not a requirements to join the airdrop but soon in the later stage of the airdrop it will be a mandatory requirements, so always stay tuned for the announcement.
Staker Token launch a marketing task bounty that will enable users to earn extra STR tokens weekly by simply completing some marketing task. Its an easy 1 minute job for every task. But always be careful when completing every task, This is not a spam friendly bounty and you might be disqualified if you failed to follow the rules and requirements for each task.
Staker Token is still a young and dynamic cryptocurrency community and soon when the main product is launch which is the smart contract gaming platform this will be a gamechanger product that will take staker to the map of successful cryptocurrency.
This News Entry is a personal opinion and not directly from Staker developer team this is a community initiative news entry, for official news and updates check out #announcement channel via staker Discord.