Mastering Data Processing with jq: Advanced Techniques for MongoDB

Adam Anderson
4 min readOct 8, 2023
Photo by Rubaitul Azad on Unsplash

MongoDB is a widely used NoSQL database that often stores data in JSON-like BSON format. To extract, transform, and analyze data efficiently, jq is a valuable tool. In this article, we'll explore advanced jq use cases for MongoDB data, demonstrating how it can elevate your data processing tasks to the next level.

Part 1: Advanced jq Use Cases with MongoDB

When working with MongoDB data, jq can help you extract valuable insights and perform complex data manipulations. Let's delve into ten advanced jq use cases for MongoDB data:

1. Filtering Data by Collection and Field

Suppose you have MongoDB data with multiple collections and fields, and you want to filter data from a specific collection with specific criteria:

mongoexport --db mydb --collection mycollection --out - --jsonArray | jq '.[] | select(.field == "value")'

This command filters data from the “mycollection” collection with the “field” set to “value.”

2. Aggregating Data Points

MongoDB often stores high-frequency data. You can use jq to aggregate data points into a lower resolution. For example, to downsample data to hourly…



Adam Anderson

Detail oriented reader, lifelong learner, and technologist driving change one cause at a time