Striim’s SLO/SLI: Streaming Integration, Intelligence, and Service Objectives

Adam Anderson
3 min readOct 13, 2023

Summary: I focused on SLO and SLI for Striim in this article in attempt providing an introduction to the concepts of SLOs and SLIs and shows how they can be contextualized within the functionalities of Striim to expand on the earlier article A Deep Dive into Striim: Streaming Integration and Intelligence

I have another article ready to post right after this covering a biot of a history on 5 9s. Please subscribe to my channel\ if you like this article.

Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

Intro: The Streaming Data Landscape

In the age of real-time analytics, cloud-based solutions, and increasing demands on service reliability, organizations are striving to make data-driven decisions on the fly. Striim, a comprehensive platform for streaming data integration and intelligence, serves as an enabler in this journey. To understand Striim’s value proposition, it’s crucial to not only explore its functionalities but also see how it aligns with contemporary standards like SLOs and SLIs.

What is Striim?

Striim (pronounced “stream”) stands for Streaming Integration + Intelligence. It’s a platform allowing organizations to collect, process, and deliver data in real-time, transitioning from batch-oriented operations to…



Adam Anderson

Detail oriented reader, lifelong learner, and technologist driving change one cause at a time