Boosting Application Speed with PostgreSQL Indexing: A Step-by-Step Guide

Mukhammad Ginanjar Azie
2 min readSep 26, 2023


Step 1: Identifying the Challenge

A few years back, I encountered a common but often perplexing problem when a client reached out with a pressing issue. Their application was sluggish, especially during database-related tasks. The resulting delays were hampering productivity and causing frustration. They needed a quick solution without overhauling their existing code.

Step 2: Diagnosing the Issue

To tackle the challenge, I started by examining the client’s database and closely scrutinizing the queries used in their application. It didn’t take long to spot the culprit — inefficient indexing. The absence of proper indexing was causing painfully slow query executions, impacting the overall application performance.

Step 3: Understanding PostgreSQL Index Types

I explained to the client that PostgreSQL offers three primary types of indexes, each with unique strengths and ideal use cases:

  • B-Tree Index: Versatile and great for most situations, excelling in data retrieval, range queries, and sorting.
  • Hash Index: Lightning-fast for exact matches, designed for equality comparisons, but not suitable for range queries or sorting.
  • Bitmap Index: Perfect for scenarios with multiple columns having low distinct values, particularly when bitwise operations are involved.

Step 4: Crafting a Strategy

With this understanding, I devised a clear strategy for choosing the right index type for each situation:

  • Hash Index: When a query involves filtering data based on a single column, Hash indexing is your ally for optimal performance.
  • Bitmap Index: In cases where queries deal with multiple columns of low cardinality and require bitwise operations, Bitmap indexing shines.
  • B-Tree Index: For everything else, especially when there are no specific requirements, B-Tree indexing comes to the rescue.

Step 5: Implementation

Next, I rolled up my sleeves and put the strategy into action. I implemented the necessary indexes in the client’s PostgreSQL database. The results were nothing short of astounding.

Step 6: Witnessing Transformation

Application performance underwent a remarkable transformation. Query execution times plummeted by nearly 50%. The client was thrilled — their application was now a well-oiled machine, enabling them to breeze through tasks without delays or frustrations.

Conclusion: Realizing the Power of Indexing

In conclusion, this experience underscores the pivotal role of efficient indexing and its profound impact on database performance. By adopting a step-by-step approach and selecting the right index types tailored to each query’s unique demands, I successfully resolved the performance issue for our client. This journey emphasizes the importance of optimizing database performance through effective indexing, leading to a vastly improved application performance and delighted users.



Mukhammad Ginanjar Azie

Python Dev & Data Engineer: Expert in RESTful APIs, ETL, & analysis. Driven to optimize & scale tech solutions.