7 Quick Changes: Redesigning Ken Kratz’s Hilariously Bad Website

Sean Yang
3 min readFeb 1, 2016


This is a followup article to Making a Murderer: 7 Hilarious Things Wrong with Ken Kratz’s Website

Ken Kratz’s initial website was quite bad so I decided to set aside one hour redesigning his landing page. I only spent one hour so I could simulate the approximate amount of time Ken would be willing to pay a professional designer.


  1. Establish authority, professionalism, and trustworthiness as a lawyer.
  2. Brand image repair from negative press of Netflix Making a Murderer show.


Since I only had one hour, I just stuck to the basics. I aligned some things, made some font changes, got rid of a bunch of content, implemented some more consistency in style, and removed a lot of colors.

To summarize, I just focused on deleting a bunch of bad stuff.


7 Quick Changes

1. Logo — Can’t afford to hire someone to make you a custom logo? That’s fine, just use text.

2. Background Colors — Let’s just stick with white this time Ken. No Ken, I don’t care how much you like water color paintings, we are doing this my way this time.

3. Personal Photo — Ken, this was the best photo of you I could find on Google. Do you have anything better?

4. Fonts — Let’s just stick to a few basic font colors and sizes this time Ken.

5. Alignment — No Ken, we aren’t going to add in a big “Contact Me” box in the middle of the page. Geez.

6. Making a Murder References — Ok Ken, you’re not paying me enough to do a major PR spin. Why don’t you just make one honest video explaining yourself and we’ll leave it at that.

7. Buttons — Let’s just get rid of buttons Ken, you went a bit too crazy last time.


Ideally, Ken should invest heavily in professional Design and PR firms to help him craft a website that will repair his image. But in the meantime? Making a few small changes goes a long way.

Is this re-designed website amazeballs? Hell no. The visual heirachy needs some work and the value proposition should be made stronger.

Does it show some improvements over the previous site that could be done fairly quickly? I think so.

But Wait, What About The Mobile View?

And there you have it.

