How to use ChatGPT for technical writing.

Waves Digital Services (WDS)
3 min readDec 28, 2022


ChatGPT is a variant of the GPT (Generative Pre-training Transformer) language model, specifically designed to generate natural language text in a chatbot-like manner. It was developed by OpenAI, and has the ability to generate human-like text based on a given prompt or context.

One way ChatGPT can be used in technical writing is to generate documentation for software or technical products. By providing ChatGPT with a description of the product and its features, it can generate detailed technical documentation that is accurate and easy to understand. This can be particularly useful for companies that need to produce large volumes of documentation quickly, or for products with complex features that are difficult to explain in writing.

Another use for ChatGPT in technical writing is to generate code documentation. By providing ChatGPT with examples of code and descriptions of its functionality, it can generate clear and concise documentation that explains the code and its intended use. This can be especially useful for open-source projects, where documentation is often required but may not be the primary focus of the developers.

In addition to generating technical documentation, ChatGPT can also be used to write technical articles and blog posts. By providing ChatGPT with a topic and some basic information about the topic, it can generate detailed and informative articles that are easy to read and understand. This can be useful for technical writers who need to produce a large volume of content, or for those who are looking for ways to improve the accuracy and clarity of their writing.

Overall, ChatGPT has the potential to greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy of technical writing. By automating the process of generating technical documentation and articles, it can free up time for writers to focus on more important tasks, such as editing and reviewing the generated text. Additionally, ChatGPT’s ability to generate human-like text means that the resulting documentation and articles will be easy to read and understand, making it easier for users to learn about and use the products or technologies being described.

For more information on ChatGPT and how it works, you can visit the OpenAI website at To see examples of ChatGPT in action, you can try out the GPT-3 Demo at To learn more about the GPT language model and how it is used in natural language processing, you can refer to the following research paper: “Improving Language Understanding by Generative Pre-Training” by Alec Radford, Karthik Narasimhan, Tim Salimans, and Ilya Sutskever (

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Waves Digital Services (WDS)

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