I Joined BUSD Paycheck — Fixed 12.7% Weekly Return

3 min readJun 11, 2022

Disclaimer: The content you’re about to read should not be considered financial advice, instead, for educational purposes and merely my own opinions and risk-taking approach.

Photo by Alex Radelich on Unsplash

In the world of DeFi space, there’s always the potential possibility of being rugged or becoming successful in these projects regardless of their risk level.

However, fortune only favours the brave. Like with all investments in life, those who are willing to take risks are those who will potentially make it to the top 1%. Take examples from the likes of self-made millionaires.

I’m a bit of a risk taker and I’ll be sharing with you my story on the project and my plans for utilising the platform to increase my wealth.

Note: There’s affiliate links in this article. I would appreciate if you use it, which enables me to create more content like this.

Improved From The Popular Baked Beans Protocol

Baked Beans’ popular 6–1 strategy relies on the need to actively compound the daily earnings manually and withdraw on the 7th day to make the most of it.

As a Baked Beans Miner fork, BUSD Paycheck improves on this by enforcing the 6–1 strategy automatically. Investors are only required to take action on the 7th day to…




Software Engineer | Investor | Passive Income Streams | Traveller | Income Generator Tool 👉🏻 https://github.com/XternA/income-generator