NEM Newsletter #6 (2014/10/19)

5 min readOct 19, 2014

Latest updates

There has been an absence of Newsletter in the last month. This is primarily due to a hive of activities that have occupied the entire team. Among these are:

  • Beta launch preparation
  • Preparation for the actual launch
  • NEM Redemption logistics and management
  • Making arrangements to list on exchanges
  • Making an animated video about NEM
  • Designing the blue print for a mobile app

There are only a few of us handling these logistics and we apologize that the Newsletter was not as forthcoming as it should be.

Bitcoin Expo Shanghai 2014

Rockethead spoke about NEM at the Bitcoin Expo Shanghai 2014, on 19–21 September. The Expo was attended by about 150–200 participants.

It was indeed a good networking platform and Rockethead was able to introduce to the people at the expo Crypto 2.0, which is the main thrust of our initiative. It attracted quite a bit of interest because, traditionally, people are still talking about legacy crypto coins such as Bitcoin.

NEM was introduced as a platform and not just a crypto coin, per se. Although it would have been much better if the crowd had been bigger, it is still good that we were able to let people know of our existence.

Overall, we believe there should be more frequent participation by NEMsters in expos and conferences, so that the whole world will know about NEM’s existence. Further, we believe this should be done in different parts of the world in order to become a leader for global economy change.

Latest alpha release

The latest Alpha release was 0.3.2 released on September 30th, 2014. There were many changes in this release, including:

  • Most user-visible: changes in settings dialog and now an option to connect to a remote node (in this case you don’t have to run local NIS)
  • New languages added or fixed, though some messages might be missing. The team is working on a “translation portal,” which hopefully will make it easier for everyone to make translations
  • (beta feature) Network Time Protocol — after testing it in 0.2.18, it is now turned ON
  • (beta feature) partial implementation of Remote Harvesting — currently invisible to users

NEM Redemption

NEM stake Redemption was announced on October 4th, 2014, starting with Phase 1 of the redemption process. Phase 1 of the redemption requires that Account holders input a given token that was sent to their BTT accounts.

2075 tokens were sent out and the number of claimants as of press time is close to 1300 tokens. This measures up well as we still have close to 18 days more for anyone to claim.

More information can be found here:


Phase 2 will be when the actual NEM addresses will be collected from both NEM Stake holders from the NXT AE and token holders from Phase 1

The procedure to do so will be announced as we progress. Do look out for these announcements in the NEM forum as well as on the BTT forum.

Unclaimed NEM Stakes

There has been quite a bit of discussion on the BTT and NEM forums on what to do with unclaimed stakes.

Although we are not sure how many NEM stakes will be left unclaimed, assuming a substantial portion of NEM Stakes are unclaimed, there have been generally strong proposals that these unclaimed stakes should be used for marketing and investments into NEM ecosystem development.

It was further suggested that these investments be properly administered and run with a mandate given by a group of people who’d run this as a professional set up.

This will be discussed in further details as soon as we have visibility on how many stakes have been left unclaimed.

Beta launch

The Beta launch was pushed back a bit, but this will be released anytime now. The reason why this was pushed back is because we needed to work on tweaking the POI algorithm, as well as adding other enhancements that will be announced later. There are no major issues with the current development version. But as usual, the dev team is being very detailed and careful and we should not be too worried about the delay.

It should be looked at in a positive light, because nobody wants to have something that is half- baked, and NEM is no exception.

Final launch date

The final launch date is not yet fixed but is expected to be in November. As soon as all the stakes are redeemed and entered into the Nemesis block, and based on progress of the beta, an official launch date will be announced.

Development of a mobile wallet

A user requirements study has been done for the development of a mobile wallet and development will move ahead in the coming months. It is hoped that the development of the mobile wallet can be completed early next year, so that we will have the mobile wallet in time for the AE, which is expected to be completed before the second quarter of 2015.

Development of an animated video about NEM

The development of an animated short video to explain NEM is now underway and should be completed before the official launch of NEM. This shall be the start of a series of video clips about NEM, as we progress and as we add more features.

A final video shall be aimed at the lay person and shall be made to be completely non- technical.

Extended Redemption Period

Due to some concerns and several requests, some changes have been made to the redemption process. Please check the following link for more info:

AltNemo Coin Sale

The coin sale for 9999 gold and 999 silver bullion coins is still on!
Please see and for more details!

These coins will come with “special privileges” in AltNemo, the first company in the NEM ecosystem. These privileges will likely be worth more than the coins themselves, so don’t miss this opportunity!

P.S. There’s one more special thing we have prepared and scheduled before official launch, more about that later.

