Best ASMR Triggers for Sleep

5 min readFeb 16, 2022


Many people treat autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) as an interesting phenomenon worthy of their sporadic interest, but for others, it is an equivalent of a cure and a source of everyday comfort. No matter which group you subscribe to, a sleepless night or insomnia can be a pain to deal with, particularly if you want to avoid sleeping pills or expensive sleeping therapies. Thankfully, there is a viable alternative to both — the curative effect of the ASMR noises for sleep has been proven to work for thousands of ASMR enthusiasts across the globe.

If you are to sleep well with ASMR, however, your search should start with the best headphones for sleeping ASMR that will allow your brain to catch every note and nuance in the ASMR composition. The only thing left to do is to find something to fill your headphones with, which is best done by going through the list of the best ASMR triggers below.

A Whisperer in Dreams

Going for the best ASMR for sleep means that you’ll have to go through various triggers before you discover the one(s) that work for you. Not all of our brains are wired the same, so one can derive an equivalent of a sleeping pill from one set of sounds, while others will hear just a wall of incomprehensible sounds.

Yet, there are some classic ASMR triggers that can work across the board based on our shared human biology. One of these is certainly the soft, whispering sound that produces deep relaxation and stress relief in a sleeper. Going with whispers may be one of the most effective ways to achieve relaxation in your bed, as your brain will, unconsciously, get you back to the times you were put to sleep by your parents or other caring individuals.

Some ASMR artists claim that the feeling of calm is best induced with the words featuring the K, P, and S letters, but you will easily discover that any word or phrase being whispered slowly into a microphone can induce drowsiness.

Feel free to listen to these triggers with speakers if your sleeping partner does not find it weird or distracting but for the best results go for the headphones or increasingly popular headbands.

Tapping Into Your Sleep Hormone Pool

This one may sound funny, but our brains are simply configured to respond to repetitive sounds and motions with the feeling of drowsiness. Just think of all those people who manage to fall asleep while sitting on uncomfortable seats on a train or a bus. In essence, it is the prolonged repetition of sounds and motion that sedates them.

Based on this, the tapping ASMR sounds made with fingernails or fingertips are reported as lulling people to sleep. ASMR artists may tap them against the wood or glass, at any speed that works for you. Many also report excellent results with listening to the sounds of fingers on sticky surfaces, such as adhesive tapes or glue. You can even try making an ASMR on your own and test it on yourself first before sharing it with the sleeper community.

A Touch of Dreamland

Personal attention has been scientifically proven to be a great source of ASMR pleasures. The reasons for it are again largely biological, since even listening to the sounds that we associate with caring behavior can provoke feelings of relaxation and calmness. And, you’ll easily agree that these two are the key preconditions to having quality sleep.

This is why there is a growing ASMR scene with artists that produce sounds and images of people receiving personal care, such as getting their hair or beards done or brushed or even visiting a doctor. The sounds of scissors and trimmers combined with a soft-speaking voice can work wonders on your sleeping patterns if you pick out the best ASMR trigger for sleep among the many.

The same goes for the ASMR sounds we subconsciously associate with closeness or even intimacy, such as those that emulate physical touch. The collection of these triggers is virtually limitless, ranging from the sound of one’s scalp being massaged to the soundscapes of people playing with someone’s hair or touching each other’s faces.

Just remember that these triggers do not have to work in isolation — the sound of having your head massaged may actually work better if combined with the whispering ASMR, or with a quality relaxing cream or moisturizer for an even more immersive experience. Just be creative or even unconventional in finding out the best ASMR combination for your sleeping biorhythm.

The Art of the Sounds of Sleep

Some of the ASMR creations that trigger sleep are simply refined or “remixed” versions of universally recognizable stimuli found in real life. Yet, when they go through the skillful hands of ASMR artists, they become professionally designed and edited just for one purpose — a quality sleep that gets you through the next day.

You may have noticed that the mechanical sounds of running motors, ticking clocks or dripping water can make you sleepy. Yet, you’ll have to turn to ASMR artists with grandfather clocks or water recordings who will turn their works into sleeping symphonies. The same goes for page-turning sounds — yes, reading in bed is a great way to doze off, but ASMR recordings will allow you to enjoy these sounds without having to bother others with your bed lamp and rustling paper.

Some ASMR sleep triggers are also everyday sounds, but those that are harder to reproduce when it’s time to hit the sack. The sounds we associate with pleasures are great to fall asleep to and they include sounds related to cooking or eating. It may sound weird, but many people claim that the sound of chewing or slurping can make them sleepy faster. Unless these make you leave the bed and check the fridge, you must check out how your brain will respond to these triggers.

In Conclusion

The beneficial effects of ASMR on one’s quality of sleep and sleeping patterns are undeniable at this stage. Burgeoning scientific works in this field and the thousands of ASMR users in the growing global community can hardly be wrong. What remains is to pick out which trigger works best for your sleeping habits and brain chemistry. The sky is really the limit here and the exploration of ASMR landscapes dedicated to the art of sleep will reward you with better health and quality of life.

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