What Is The Importance Of Yearly AC Tune-Up?

Xtreme Air Services
2 min readMar 26, 2018


Servicing the air conditioner occasionally is a good move to prevent expensive replacing costs and reducing the energy consumption.

An air conditioner has a number of parts that are movable. Just like a car needs periodic servicing, your air conditioning machine too must be serviced to maintain the reliability, safety, and efficiency. You obviously don’t want to spend a pleasant time while getting drenched in the sweat especially when it is the hottest summer. Thus, it is a good idea to hire a professional technician who can provide expert servicing to fix your air conditioning unit. A simple tune-up can prevent the need for calling the emergency service.

What is the need of periodic maintenance?

If you want to prevent your air conditioner from failing at the time when you need the most, preventative maintenance is the best solution. Air conditioner is a simple appliance that contains a number of important components. When one or more things go haywire, the appliance becomes prone to failure. Smart homeowners know the importance of annual tune-ups and thus, their appliances perform longer, emit fresher air and reduce the chance of malfunctioning. Tuning up an air conditioner is cheaper than replacing a vital component in the mechanism.

So, here are some important points which you need to check to prevent complete breakdown

Check and calibrate the thermostat: A thermostat, if improperly calibrated can affect your comfort and increase the general operating cost too.Make sure you know how to remove the thermostat or else the best option is to hire a professional who provide expert air conditioning repair services in Sunnyvale.

Cleaning or replacing the filter: If the filter is filled with dust and remains clogged for a longer period it can surely bring discomfort to the occupants while wasting the energy significantly and reducing the durability of the compressor. Remember, replacing a compressor can be very expensive. Therefore, it’s a good choice to remove the filter at least once in a month and make it free from accumulated dust.

Lubricating and inspecting bearings for wear: There is a number of rotating equipment in an air conditioning device. Make sure you lubricate them properly to prevent wear. However, it’s not mandatory to do this every month, once or twice in a year will be enough to keep things operating. Always hire a reputed HVAC repairer to prevent accidental damage while servicing.

Do your research properly and choose a reputed HVAC company in Dallas. Considering the extremity of your cooling needs it’s good to keep an expert professional in hand.



Xtreme Air Services

Offering AC replacement & repair, furnace replacement & repair and commercial refrigeration services. http://www.xtremeairservices.com/