Crypto War I: Birth of Public Key Cryptography

3 min readSep 12, 2021
Photo by Karim MANJRA on Unsplash

There were 3 crypto wars in the past 50 years. What wars you may wonder? The scale of wars is so small and so secret that the public may not even be aware. I will show some interesting facts about those crypto wars and show how the internet today is evolving differently than the previous generations imagined.

The 70s the pre-internet era

The official date of birth for the internet is 1986. However, the premature version of the internet or node-to-node technology was invented in the 50s and had been running between university systems for about 2 decades already.

Researchers were the first to involve “the internet” technology and had already developed concerns about the future.

How surveillance programs worked before the internet

Surveillance was a costly and difficult task before the internet. It is economically infeasible to run a program to spy on all citizens in the nation.

Surveillance nowadays

Any tech company can potentially spy on everyone. Think about Google who has all your personal information in order to “register” an email account. They can easily create a fold for you and collect information about you!

70s vision

