Modern Economic Nonsense — A journey of money laundering



When UST collapsed, the founder Do Kwon promised the community to revitalize Terra through a new proposal of Terra 2.0 that serves the community solely. But the project looks more and more like a money laundering 💸.

What has been gone wrong 🤔?

Money laundering 1️⃣0⃣1️⃣

There are three stages of money laundering:

1️⃣ Placement

You received cash from illicit activities and spread the total amount into small individual amounts to convert into cash or any legal investments.

2️⃣ Layering

Once the transaction has been completed, the funds are blended into the legitimate funds and become a part of the financial system.

3️⃣ Integration

Once multiple transactions have been completed, the funds integrate into the financial system without a possible traceable footprint. It marks the end of the laundering process.

Terra 2.0

