Shitcoin Economy: Part 2 — Regulations

4 min readSep 1, 2021
Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash

Here is part 2 of my 5-part series. If you missed part 1, you can check out below:

Part 1 — Category: it is about how to categorize cryptocurrency away from other digital currencies

Part 2 — Regulations: it is about why the government wants the regulation but they cannot do so

Part 3 — Environment: it is about how environmental impact on the cryptocurrencies and possible its valuation for the future

Part 4 — Technology: it is about how technology can change the way shitcoin performs and how crypto may evolve to become

Part 5 — Detokenization: it is about speculation that if Bitcoin actually extinct and what may happen

I may change parts depending on my research but here is for you guys to enjoy reading.

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The US Treasury department wants to build a global crypto sharing database. The problem is who will control the database? A centralized system will never work on a global scale. The past centuries have proven this idea is not going to work at all.

Trust will deteriorate over time because there is only one single entity to guardian the trust but no one entity can check its trust. It is a self-proving fallacy of circular…

