Pyrite : What It Means and How to Use It in Feng Shui

Xueda Lim
5 min readSep 19, 2022


Pyrite, often known as fool’s gold, is a well-liked crystal with a strong affinity for wealth and fire energy. Pyrite can be a good tool to improve the feng shui of your home if you are drawn to it.

Definition Pyrite

Pyrite is a bright, brass-coloured stone that is frequently used for protection, abundance, and self-assurance. Due to its metallic brilliance and colour, it is also known as fool’s gold since occasionally people have mistaken it for real gold. Pyrite, whose name is derived from the Greek word for fire, can spark when struck.

Properties of Pyrite

Color: Metallic yellow

Chakra: Solar plexus

Number: Vibrates to 3

Planet: Mars

Zodiac: Leo

Bagua areas: Xun, Li

Elements: Fire

Origin: Chile, Italy, Peru, Portugal, Spain, UK, USA

Meaning of Pyrite

For a variety of factors, pyrite is a popular crystal. It is a potent shield-building stone that blocks harmful energy. Pyrite is utilized to boost strength, vitality, willpower, and confidence since it connects to the solar plexus chakra, one of the body’s powerful energy centres. It’s a fantastic abundance stone that promotes wealth, success, and happiness. It is associated with the sun, which has a fiery, yang energy.

Pyrite’s Uses in Healing

Pyrite not only serves to repel negative energy and attract positive energy (money, abundance, opportunity), but it also helps to discharge and balance any built-up negative energy. By having pyrite around, fearful energy that can be impeding success can be released.

Pyrite is all about enhancing your power and endurance. Keep in mind that this stone relies on its masculine energy to be healing. Pyrite is a fantastic stone for reducing environmental pollution and its negative effects on the body because of its love of protection. It is supposed to help fight viral infections, lower fevers, and boost the immune system and respiratory system simultaneously. Pyrite is thought to help patients with asthma and other breathing-related conditions by enhancing lung health. Additionally, it maintains a healthy blood flow, boosts endocrine function, and aids in conception problems.

Mental & Emotional Healing Properties

This is where pyrite really ignites the soul when it comes to emotional fortification. It is much simpler to feel safe and secure in one’s own skin once we feel shielded from the outdoors. You’ll start to feel more confident, be able to show off any innate leadership abilities you may have hidden away, and be able to see through pretence and live in the light of honesty with ease.

The positive effects of pyrite seem to light the spirit on fire! It rekindles any lost motivation or distant desire and gives you the feeling that you are prepared to reengage with life. Pyrite is here to help you overcome all that is holding you back, step away from those ideas and anxieties, and take action to live the life you were meant to live if you have been mired in melancholy or anxious thoughts.

Metaphysical Properties

The Pyrite stone is awash in good vibes. It all comes down to removing the cobwebs of bad energy and making sure you never slip into the shadows but rather feel compelled and strong enough to go into the light. The solar plexus chakra and the sacral chakra are strengthened and cleared by pyrite in order to aid in the development of this inner fortitude and za zoom for life. These chakras are where we store our innate love of creativity, our sexual prowess, and our deepest passion and vitality for life. Our senses can feel deadened when they are blocked, but when they are unblocked, we suddenly feel like we can soar.

Uses in Feng Shui

Feng shui uses to activate the Wealth Corner (Xun)

When it comes to developing wealth and abundance, pyrite is a powerful stone. If you want to cultivate an abundance mindset and welcome more prosperity, this stone is fantastic to work with.

Placing pyrite in your home’s wealth corner is a terrific method to stimulate this area because of its association with abundance. The feng shui bagua’s wealth corner, or Xun in Chinese, corresponds to affluence, prosperity, and self-worth. When you stand at your front entrance and look inside, it is at the far-left corner of your house.

Activate Your Home Office

Your desk and workspace are said to represent your career in feng shui. Try placing pyrite on your desk or in your home office to strengthen your intentions if you want to attract greater money and plenty through your work or business. You may even put it on your desk’s wealth area, which is the far-left corner.

Activate Your Front Door

The front entrance is another aspect of the house that we frequently consider in feng shui when it comes to prosperity. Because it is the primary entrance point for qi, or life force energy, into your area, the front door is referred to as the “mouth of qi.” This means that a welcoming front door and entry can assist you in attracting more favourable energy and opportunities.

Make the Tai Qi, the Health Area, active.

The Tai Qi, located in the feng shui bagua’s centre, is linked to your general health. Similar to how your level of wellbeing affects every other aspect of your life, it has an impact on all of the bagua regions around it. This indicates that focusing on your home’s centre might truly help you lay a solid foundation. You can determine Tai Qi by determining where your house’s centre is (or your bedroom).

Pyrite’s warm, uplifting, brilliant energy makes it a beautiful addition to the Tai Qi. Another benefit of pyrite is that it helps stop energy leakage, which can be detrimental to your health. To improve the energy of your home and welcome more positivity, joy, vitality, and confidence, try placing a piece of pyrite in the middle of your house or your bedroom.

Activate Li, the Fame Area

Additionally, the Li section of the feng shui bagua represents fame, your passion, and how you are perceived by others. The fire element also has a connection to this area. You might want to focus on this if you feel like nobody is paying attention to you. Perhaps you are being passed over for a promotion at work, or you are launching a new venture or idea that needs greater exposure or recognition.

