Simple example of LoadingCache, use googleCacheCache to cache the first data in the database every day and save it

Apr 21, 2022


Use LoadingCache to cache the first data in the database every day and save it

private LoadingCache<String, Integer> minId = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().expireAfterWrite(1L, TimeUnit.DAYS).build(new CacheLoader<String, Integer>() {
public Integer load(String mixdate) throws Exception {
Date date = LocalDate.parse(StringUtils.substringAfter(s, "@")).toDate();
// 在本地没有缓存的时候会调用该方法进行加载,将获取的值进行缓存并返回结果
if (ACTIVE_COUNTER.startsWith(mixdate)) {
LoginLog loginLog = loginLogRepository.getTopByLoginTimeBeforeOrderByIdDesc(date);
if (loginLog != null) {
return loginLog.getId();
} else if (PLAYED_COUNTER.startsWith(mixdate)) {
ViewHistory viewHistory = viewHistoryRepository.getTopByViewtimeBeforeOrderByIdDesc(date);
if (viewHistory != null) {
return viewHistory.getId();
} else if (ADCLICK_COUNTER.startsWith(mixdate)) {
AdvClickHistory advClickHistory = advClickHistoryRepository.getTopByCreateTimeBeforeOrderByIdDesc(date);
if (advClickHistory != null) {
return advClickHistory.getId();
return 0;
minId.getUnchecked(StringUtils.join(type, "@", date));

Take out the data key of the day here, because the date is different every day, so the first data of the day will be obtained and cached!

