Ruotong Melody XuExperience & Takeaways — Preparing for Product Design Intern InterviewsHi! My name is Melody. I graduated from UW HCDE’s Bachelors program and currently a Product Design Intern at Disney. The purpose of this…Jan 13, 2020Jan 13, 2020
Ruotong Melody XuReflection — My First Week @ DisneyOn my first day, while I was eager to learn everything about the company, I was quite nervous. Being in a new space, learning all the…Jan 13, 2020Jan 13, 2020
Ruotong Melody XuRemind Holder — HCDE 451 Final ProjectWritten by Melody Xu and Inhae Kim 18, 2019Mar 18, 2019
Ruotong Melody XuWhat I Learned From A Tour at Google — coming from an HCDE student_______Jan 16, 2019Jan 16, 2019