My 2010 Movie Awards

10 min readJun 17, 2023


We have now closed the books on 2010. As we enter the new year, most people will reflect on the previous year. This is also the time when movie critics and movie fans take the opportunity to reflect on the previous year. This is also awards season. The red carpet has officially been retired. With the Critics’ Choice Awards coming up in a few weeks and the Oscars just two months back, it’s safe to say that the red carpet will be gone.

I will be throwing myself in the ring today as we present you with Couch Potato Club 2010 Movie Awards. But I want to say up front that I am going to do it differently than the big award shows. You’ll find some traditional categories as well as some unusual ones. Call me crazy, I think the most important factor to consider when evaluating a film is its entertainment value. Although all the little details that go into making a film are important, I think entertainment is what defines whether a film is good or bad. You won’t see me awarding “artsy movies” just for their “cinematic achievements” (whatever that means). I will instead be judging based on the entertainment value of the movie (including acting, storyline, etc.). Playing factors).

Here are the winners of this year’s Couch Potato Club Movie Awards.

Best film: Inception

It came down to Black Swan and Inception for me. I have spent days trying to decide which movie would be the best of the year. Inception is the winner in the end. The was also perfect in its own way. The movie was a great combination of style and substance, with its intelligent writing, excellent acting, exciting action scenes, and great cinematography. Nolan has once again shown why he’s one of the most popular filmmakers in today’s world. A narrative genius. It was only after watching this film that I realized what a gift Nolan really is to Hollywood. Everyone in Hollywood should take note. This is how a blockbuster film should be made. Hollywood will always be dependent on blockbuster action films. The problem is that these movies are shallow, cliched and “eh”. They usually rely solely on awesome special effects and cool action sequences. Inception is different. This movie provides all that, but then actually brings substance to that style giving us an engaging and mind-bending/intelligent storyline to go with it. This perfect combination makes inception the movie of the year.

Best Actor: James Franco — 127 Hours

You want to test an actor’s merit? I’ve said this before, and I will say it again. You can test an actor by putting him in a film where he’s the only person on screen. He will have to carry the movie 123movies. The entire weight of a movie is on his shoulders. Will he shine or will he crumble? Will he fall? This is the test. Other actors have done the same (Will Smith and Tom Hanks). This (and the “retard” role) is, in my opinion, one of the best ways to see if an actor can be considered one of Hollywood’s greats. Enter James Franco and The 127 Hours. Franco, who plays a mountaineer trapped under a rock and left alone to complete the film by himself, is given the task of carrying an entire movie on his own. Does he succeed in his mission? He does. And with flying colors. Franco shows that he has the ability to take on a difficult task, and succeed. He keeps it interesting and conveys a variety of emotions in the film. He’s therefore my actor of the Year.

Best Actress: Natalie Portman — Black Swan

Natalie’s performance as the psychological thriller in Aronofsky is brilliant. My opinion is that this is her best work yet. She is a natural at playing a character that demands her to transition from a sweet, naive little princess to a girl gone wild (in a dark-side kind of way). Range is the most important factor in determining if an actor/actress will be successful. Anyone can excel in a role that is tailored to their personality, but it’s when an actor/actress shows their true talent by playing multiple personas/characters. Natalie Portman showed in just 2 hours that she is more versatile than many actresses. She showed more range in a single performance than many actresses do over the course of their career. Natalie Portman is my actress of the Year for her brilliant performance. This is not even up for discussion.

The Fighter

This is another one that I think is a given. It’s not up for discussion. Bale stole every scene in The Fighter. Bale’s commitment to his craft is evident in the weight loss. Bale’s ability to completely lose himself into Dicky Eklund and his crackhead persona further proves how talented he is. The video clip showing the real Dicky in the credits was a great way to show how good Bale’s performance was. For Dicky, it was almost like looking into a mirror.

The Fighter

The supporting cast in The Fighter were excellent. These people are the ones who kept this film afloat. Leo’s role as the “white garbage” overbearing mom was fantastic and helped (alongside Bale’s performances) to make this movie shine. The Fighter would have been a disaster without these two.

Best Director: Darren Aronofsky — Black Swan

I’ve said it before, the best films for me were Black Swan and inception . Aronofsky did a fantastic job. This was an excellently directed film. Aronofsky’s film was brilliantly directed on every level, from the camera shots to his music and story telling to what he managed to get out of the cast. Aronofsky is one of my favourite modern directors. It’s not surprising that he continues to amaze year after year.

Black Swan

I think the screenplay/story will be the most important factor to determine whether or not a film is entertaining. A movie will be a flop if it doesn’t have an interesting and entertaining story. It’s not surprising that for me it came down to Black Swan vs Inception, the two movies competing for my Best Film Award. In the end, I’m going to have to choose Black Swan as my winner in this category. I thought the story was fantastic. The story was very exciting and captivating. It kept you glued to your seat throughout. The subtext throughout the movie was the cherry on top. The film has many subtexts, from “life imitates the art” to “greed consumes us all”, to a commentary on how much pressure an entertainer can face and the dangers they run when they lose themselves in the performance to be “perfect”. This script was a real winner. It was an amazing story. I also loved the way the life of the main character began to reflect the character she was trying to portray on stage.

The Fighter

This shouldn’t be a surprise after the previous awards for supporting roles. But I must admit that I also considered The Town as a contender for this award. It had an excellent all-around performance by its entire cast. The cast of The Fighter did well in every area. Mark Wahlberg, who I do not particularly like, was also decent. He was a weak link, and his character was dull. Everyone else gave fine performances, which, taken together, made you feel like you were part of the family. Bale and Leo’s performances really pushed the ensemble to the next level. Amy Adams also delivered a great performance.

Breakout performance of the year: Jennifer Lawrence — Winter’s Bone

The movie was overrated. Jennifer Lawrence did a wonderful job in Winter’s Bone playing Ree Dolly. The entire movie would’ve been a waste if not for Jennifer Lawrence. Her performance was very good. This made the experience even more rewarding as I was able to see that she is a talented actress. Prior to this, I only saw her on ‘The Bill Engvall show’ where she played the stereotypical ditzy teenager. There are millions of girls who could do that. It was a real treat to watch her transform from a ditzy teen into this gritty, convincing performance. I knew she had value. She wins my Breakout Performance Award for that.

Best Action Movie Inception

Inception is the winner. It’s no surprise that my Best Film of The Year will also win its genre. This movie is a non-stop thrill ride, especially in the second half. This is especially true for the last half of the film, which features many gunfights, chases, and fights. The action is a real adrenalin rush. Again, this is pretty much the Hollywood-action-blockbuster film perfected.

Best Comedy Get him to the Greek

Here’s where I think some people might disagree (if they don’t already). I believe that the best comedy movie should be determined by which film was the most hilarious. There are some movies that I like better than others in the comedy genre (Scott Pilgrim), however, they don’t compare to Get him to the Greek. Russell Brand is hilarious. His role as a typical rock star is hilarious. This movie had me laughing out loud even though I dislike “P Diddy”. It was for me the most hilarious movie of the year.

How To Train Your Dragon

Yes, I am doing it. This year, I’m kicking Pixar out of the Best Animated category and giving it to someone else. While I enjoyed Toy Story 3 very much, How to Train Your Dragon is the movie that I found more entertaining and enjoyable. It was funny, cute and inspiring. The movie was great. Was one of the movies that I really enjoyed. This is a movie that appeals to adults as well as children.

The Best Horror Movie: “Paranormal Activity 2

The sequel is no exception to the first. The Paranormal Activity is a genre saver, I think. Part 2 is a saving grace as Hollywood embraces the franchise. Paranormal Activity 2 brings back the suspense and tension to a genre that has been largely stale. It is a fantastic movie that will get you into your own imagination, and then let it run wild. You’ll be terrified. It’s a great movie, and I look forward to the third part this fall.

The Town

Yes, I know Black Swan as a thriller and I agree with you that it is the better film. Like the comedy, I think the Best Thriller Movie should be judged based on its “thrill”. The Town was able to keep me enthralled and captivated a little better. Black Swan definitely sucked me in. Maybe the action was geared towards that. I’m not sure. The Town had me on the edge of my chair from beginning to end. The movie was intense, and once it started, it didn’t let up. I was enthralled.

Best Documentary: The Social Network

It’s no surprise that social networking has become so popular in recent years. The Social Network, however, is not just any movie. The movie has become one of the most talked-about movies of the past year. It is also a good all-around movie that everyone should watch. It might be the most important film of our time (or its counterpart, ‘Catfish’).

Best Indie Film: Buried

This is another thriller that will keep you entertained throughout. (Yes, it appears I like thrillers). Buried seems to be destined to disappoint with its minimal set, minimal storyline and minimal cast. Reynolds is a great actor and carries the movie well.

Best Fight, Zero-Gravity Hallway Battle — Inception

Inception was awesome because of the visuals and effects. This fight scene stood out from the rest. It was a fun, exciting fight that was creative, entertaining, and action-packed.

The Tearjerker Movie of the Year: Toy Story 3.

Do I cry personally? No. Toy Story 3 is my personal favorite movie this year. It could be the nostalgia of growing up with the series. It could be the intensity of emotions created by certain scenes. Toy Story 3 will certainly make some people cry. Toy Story 3 has many heart-warming moments, including the incinerator and Andy’s last time with his toys.

Blue Valentine

Both actors are among the best young actors in today’s world (Gosling is my pick for best actor under 30). In this film, they really prove their worth. Together, they give powerful and great performances. The chemistry they share is amazing and the emotion that they portray throughout the film makes it a great watch.

Gideon Graves, Jason Schwartzman — Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World

Jason Schwartzman’s humor is always so unique. His appearance in Scott Pilgrim topped off a great movie. The role of Classic Schwartzman was filled with humor and intelligence, making it my favorite villain in a movie full of villains.

The Last Airbender

I won’t even say anything. Everyone knows that it’s a bad movie. Shyamalan proves that, despite the fact that his last film (The Happening was terrible), he is still capable of making a much worse movie than ever before. He is spiraling down the drain.

The Most Overrated Film of the Year: All is well with the Kids

I’m sorry. It was not that good. The acting was good. Mark Ruffalo saved the movie. The movie was pretentious, contrived, and boring. It was not as good as everyone made it out to (not the performances either). It wasn’t funny at all. The movie is not even worthy of being nominated for Best Film.

The Most Underrated Film of the Year: “Kick-Ass

The movie received decent reviews and even performed moderately in its first weekend. Kick Ass, however, was underappreciated this year. The movie was a real kick in the ass. It may even be one of my top 10 or 15 movies of the entire year. It’s the best comic adaptation I’ve ever seen. It was better for me than its competitor Scott Pilgrim. This is a great movie and should have received more attention. It’s a great movie and should be seen by more people.

The Walking Dead

My typical TV viewing is dominated by sitcoms and comedies. There are some dramas that I like to watch. This year’s The Walking Dead was one of those shows that drew me in and made it my favorite. The Walking Dead made me want to watch the next season and I was disappointed that I would have to wait.

Modern Family

Modern Family is one of my favorites new shows. It has a great ensemble cast, and a very funny script. “The Office” is no longer a hit or miss, but Modern Familyis still the show that makes me laugh the most. Eric Stonestreet, who plays “Cam”, is the one that makes me laugh most often. This one is a winner for me because of his performance. Jim Parsons and Big Bang Theory are a close second.

