Published inLA Tenant's UnionHow to Kill a CityLATU talks with Peter Moskowitz about how gentrification kills cities and how to get in its way.Jun 29, 2017Jun 29, 2017
Published inLA Tenant's UnionThe L.A. Tenants Union is Changing the Housing Debate: Reflections on the Measure S CampaignAfter several months and countless debates, 171,831 people yesterday chose the status quo, defeating the efforts of Measure S by a wide…May 23, 2017May 23, 2017
Published inLA Tenant's UnionGeographies of Displacement PanelLos Angeles Tenants Union & School of Echoes at Geographies of Displacement hosted by at land’s edge at Los Angeles Municipal Art GalleryMay 23, 2017May 23, 2017
Published inLA Tenant's UnionNew rental units cost nearly double what the average Angeleno can afford.Published in the Los Angeles Times, Sunday, February 26, 2017May 23, 2017May 23, 2017
Published inMEL MagazineThe Place Where People Pay For PornClips4Sale’s custom fetish videos are an antidote to piracyJan 22, 2016Jan 22, 2016