The Ingenuity Behind ESNTLS

Blake May
4 min readSep 4, 2021


Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

One of the pressing issues that has affected many men in a fashion sense is that their clothing is ill-fitted. Despite sounding shallow and materialistic at the surface, the fit of one’s clothing can drastically affect an individual’s confidence in oneself — leading to low self esteem issues that negatively stunts their work and social life. Moreover, most conventional clothing pieces are not tailored to a person’s specific body type, often resulting in articles of clothing that are baggy. It affects men in the sense that it takes away from their physical appearance if they’ve been relentless in their fitness routine, especially the infamous gap left between the sleeves and arms of a man. Plus, this problem is followed by:

  • Overpricing
  • Dreaded Prints
  • Unbreathable Material

I remember growing up through my teenage years, and being silently haunted by the problems described above. Of course, one solution to this problem is to tailor your baggy clothing to fit your body type, but most of us do not possess a full sewing set (i.e. Sewing Machine, Needles, and Threads) at home. Plus, if the sowing is done haphazardly without purposeful calculation, there’s always the worst case scenario of the stitching coming lose entirely during strenuous activity and exposing your handmade inseam for all the world to see.

Regarding unbreathable material, skin problems often originate from dirt and grime having nowhere to exit, leading to chaffing, and becoming trapped within the pores. This is likely the root cause of repugnant body odor, rashes, and acne — the severity is amplified if the individual in question has sensitive skin. Moreover, companies often like to overprice products that are otherwise considered mediocre, but are considered to be in style due to their brand name and clothing print design. Speaking of prints, even though the right kind can make an outfit, a woefully designed print on a T-Shirt can reflect negatively on one’s appearance(ex. Grim Reaper, Skull and Cross Bones, Funny Sayings). Like it or not, humans tend to judge one another based on visual appearance subconsciously, and they attribute edgy or satirical print designs to middle school students who wore these ill fitting, hand-me-down shirts proudly thinking they were the crème de la crop. Trust me, I’ve been guilty of this — I don’t want others to fall for the same blunder.

The Origins of ESNTLS

It’s this exact issue that inspired the launch of ESNTLS — a company that focuses on making high quality clothing pieces for both men and women. It’s a company founded by Jose Zuniga, who also goes by “Teaching Men’s Fashion” on YouTube — a channel that is dedicated to helping men become the best version of themselves.

Jose Zuniga, Founder and CEO of ESNTLS

Moreover, Zuniga’s passion for quality fashion inspired the creation of ESNTLS. The initial mission? To solve the problem of ill fitting clothing pieces on men. Since then, ESTNLS has extended towards making other articles of clothing for both women (Affiliate Link) and men — including hoodies, gym wear, and sweatpants. They have also created long sleeve shirts, bomber jackets, and chinos in their past collection launches — they all sold out within a few weeks, which speaks volumes about the value of their product. Furthermore, the company makes an emphasis on fit over brand, which is why they don’t use the standardized tag that is either located on the waist or neck area for a minimalistic look.

Why ESNLTS Matters

The story of how ESNTLS came to be is the quintessential example of following the business model of finding a big problem to solve and marketing the solution to others. It’s an inspirational success tale of how Capitalism can be utilized to offer immense value in a selected niche. Tesla, for example, is succeeding in the heavily competitive automotive market (i.e. Dodge, BMW, Lamborghini, and Mercedes Benz)by following the mentioned business model above that led ESNTLS to its immense success in the fashion market. For Tesla, it’s mission was to provide electrically powered vehicles that offers better performance and tech than its fuel-powered competitors. In both of these success stories, the companies mentioned found their loyal customer base by offering them a valuable, tangible product that can be used daily. Overall, the key to success in the business world lies in finding a way to help a million people in a selected niche — there’s riches found in niches. This effect is amplified even further if your company has a dedicated audience that is fond of the value your product offers, and when you demonstrate that your company’s mission statement aligns with the services you offer, it shows a strong sense of integrity that is rarely found in the business world.

As of writing this, ESNTLS has just launched their 2021 Fall/Winter Collection (Affiliate Link) on their website. It’s imperative that you don’t miss out on this launch. One product I would personally recommend is the Bamboo Tee Shirt (Affiliate Link)— it will do wonders to your overall appearance and confidence levels.

It’s incumbent that you learn how to dress properly because in the words of Tom Ford,

“Dressing well is a form of good manners.”

