Why I am working on Artificial General Intelligence

Chester XYZ
1 min readOct 1, 2013


I want my computer to be able to produce a movie at the press of a button. Just by clicking one button, I have what could be the next blockbuster or rather the next blockbuster for me. Getting this kind of technology will require us having Artificial General Intelligence. So, why else am I working on Artificial General Intelligence?

  1. It’s a hard, very hard problem. Hard problems are satisfying in themselves. It is like Sudoku, the harder the better.
  2. It is important. According to Hamming in You and Your research in order to do great work you have to work on important problems.
  3. It is a technology risk. This means that if I solve it, I wouldn’t have to worry about finding customers. VCs like technology risk.
  4. It is predicted to be solved within my lifetime. So, I’m thinking if someone in my generation is going to solve Artificial General Intelligence, why not me?

