3 min readNov 20, 2018

TIk TOK,a music creative short video social software that can shoot short video, was launched in September 2016 and is a community focusing on young music short video. Users can choose songs through the software, shoot music short video, form their own works. This APP has been launched in various Android APP stores and APP Store

Main function

The tik tok App is a kind of social software. You can share your life through the tik tok short video App. At the same time, you can get to know more friends and learn about various interesting things here.

Tik tok is essentially a youth-focused music short video community where users can select songs and pair them with short video to form their own compositions. It’s similar to the small coffee show, but instead of simply being lip-synching, users can use technology like video to shoot fast, video edits, special effects (repeat, flash, slow-motion) and more.

The music platforms are all young users. The music is mainly composed of electronic sound and dance music. Video is divided into two schools: dance school and creative school. There are also a small number of users who display their coffee drawing skills in a lyrical music, which has become a clear flow of sound loops.

Impact assessment

It’s not completely new, but this music short video is making a lot of headway: the daily VV (video broadcast volume) is over 100 million, every star web celebrity has been forwarded, and even some online music software like music have appeared on the list of most popular videos, and the video DAU has reached millions.


March 1, 2018 solstice March 31, 2018, the tik tok platform has cleared 27231 video, 8921 audio, 89 challenges, and permanently banned 15,234 accounts

On July 3, 2018, Tik Tok was banned in Indonesia due to the negative influence of its content. The minister of communications said that the reason for the ban was that there was a large amount of content with negative influence on the platform. “a lot of content is negative and indecent, which is very inappropriate for children”.


The “challenge” playing method of dips can, of course, inspire users to make a large number of video materials quickly, but it will also let the short video stream in the stereotyped remake and follow the trend. Countless “seagrass dance” and “social step” appear repeatedly in cities and villages, streets and houses. At the same time, the lower production threshold may also lead to the mixed quality of video content.

The original intention of the short video App may be for people to kill fragmented time, but the short video that is fast, funny and methodical is constantly tempting users to spend more time, thus falling into the mire of excessive entertainment