Adebayo Royalty
2 min readDec 12, 2022

GOD or nothing, No Plan B

God or nothing, no plan B" is a phrase that suggests that one’s faith in God is so strong that there is no need for a backup plan. This phrase reflects the belief that God is all-powerful and all-knowing, and that relying on Him is the only sure way to find success and fulfillment in life. Some people who use this phrase may also believe that seeking help from anyone or anything other than God is futile, and that true faith requires putting all of one’s trust in Him alone.

Relying solely on God had done much more than I ever bargain or imagine it can be possible,

Firstly While relying on God I tried as much as possible not to have plan B, I was like tomorrow morning it's either God or nothing.

Source: Google

E g I has no cash or anything to eat tomorrow but the bible say look at the fowl of heaven they haven't anything to sow or reap yet your heavenly father's feeding them so if He can feed them.... How much more me a whole human being created in his image... And He has already told me don't bother about what you will eat or drink or what I will wear.

How will I survived when I don't have anything on me and he said Just rely on him giving 100% so it'll be either God on nothing and see his work... And he keep amazing and blessing me with ideas, Inspiration that I never thought it's possible or don't believe in so why would I let go... Hold on to him and thank me later

Adebayo Royalty

Experienced Content writer| Digital Marketer| Graphic Designer and Sales Strategist