FEW THINGS BETTER KNOW BEFORE BUYBACK 1 : Measuring Treasury Market Depth by NY Fed

9 min readFeb 29, 2024


其實猶豫了一陣子要不要翻這個,因為真的要算的話很多原始資料都只有BrokerTec才拿的到,一般商業銀行或是Buyside應該都拿不到,換言之就是沒有什麼實務可以自己處理的空間。但下一篇想開的新連載是四月即將試行上路的treasury buyback program,感覺還是要先有個美債市場流動性的起手式XD


  • Bid-ask spread
  • Order Book Depth (本篇)
  • Price Impact
  • One-the-run / off-the-run spread (dislocation already)


Fleming, Michael J. and Liu, Haoyang and Podjasek, Rich and Schurmeier, Jake, The Federal Reserve’s Market Functioning Purchases (July 2022). Economic Policy Review, Vol. 28, №1, p. 210–241, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4155654 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4155654


Michael Fleming, Isabel Krogh, and Claire Nelson, “Measuring Treasury Market Depth,” Federal Reserve Bank of New York Liberty Street Economics, February 12, 2024, https://libertystreeteconomics.newyorkfed.org/2024/02/measuring-treasury-market-depth/.

衡量市場流動性的常用指標是市場深度(market depth),係指市場參與者願意以特定價格買入或賣出的數量。這篇文章回顧了計算美債市場深度時的衡量變數,並表明有關美債市場深度變化以及其在流動性的推論在很大程度上與這些變數無關。

  • 定義

市場參與者在不同價格願意買賣的數量並不完全可見。通常「買方」投資者(例如共同基金)交易美債的常見方式是聯繫多個交易商(雙邊或透過電子交易平台),表明其希望的交易方向和數量,而每個交易商通常都會以願意接受交易另一方的價格做出回應,然後投資者通常會選擇最具吸引力的價格來執行。 在這種情況下,交易商願意購買或出售給定數量的價格只有在聯繫後才會透露,並且僅在該時刻提供給該客戶。

特定標的的市場深度可以在交易商間經紀商 (interdealer broker, IDB) 間觀察到, IDB 經營中央限價委託簿(Central. Limit Order Book; CLOB),收集並整合其平台上參與者的交易意願。

下圖是 IDB 在特定時間和標的下的常設限價單的示意圖:

Notes: The chart plots a snapshot of aggregate order-book depth for the on-the-run five-year note on December 15, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. The aggregation means that the $14 million offered at the best ask price (A1) is added to the $36 million offered at the second best ask price (A2) to get the $50 million total offered at the second best ask price or better. The price difference between adjacent price tiers, including the best bid (B1) and the best offer (A1) in this chart, is one tick, which is ¼ of 1/32 of a point for the five-year note (where a point equals 1 percent of par). Depth is measured in millions of U.S. dollars par.
  • 市場深度資料顯示什麼?

委託簿(Order book)資料隨著時間的推移顯示出相當大的市場深度變化,如下圖所示,美債市場深度在2020年3月因新冠疫情而暴跌,此後雖然恢復,但在2021年底和2022年由於利率預期路徑的不確定性而再次下降。2023年在矽谷銀行和 Signature Bank 倒閉後於當年3月亦出現突然下降。這張圖表也顯示,不同年期的美債市場深度演變是高度相關的,但根據個別標的存在一些差異。

Source: Authors’ calculations, based on data from BrokerTec. Notes: The chart plots five-day moving averages of average daily depth for the on-the-run two-, five-, and ten-year notes from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2023. Data are for order book depth at the inside tier, averaged across the bid and offer sides.
  • 在本文的其餘部分將探討影響委託簿市場深度計算的變數,特別是其對市場深度的影響以及市場流動性隨時間變化的推論。
  1. Number of Tiers



2. Bid vs. Ask Depth

第二個變數涉及是否只考慮買方、賣方或是取兩者平均(或總和)的市場深度。多數分析著眼於買方和賣方市場深度的平均值(或總和),但沒有提及使用原因。實際上,平均買方和賣方市場深度非常相似,儘管在任何給定時間點可能存在顯著差異。 此外,平均每日買方和賣方市場深度的時間序列模式幾乎相同。即使在 2020 年 3 月,當大量客戶拋售超出了交易商進行中間交易的能力時,交易商間市場的平均每日深度在買賣雙方上幾乎是相同的。 可以肯定的是,買方和賣方市場深度對於交易決策或市場擾亂分析可能是單獨有用的輸入,但對於追蹤每日或更長時間的平均市場深度來說,兩者提供的資訊差距有限。

Notes: The chart plots average daily bid and ask depth for the on-the-run five-year note from January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020. Data are for order book depth at the inside tier. Depth is measured in millions of U.S. dollars par.

3. New York vs. Global Trading Hours


Notes: The chart plots average depth by minute over the global trading day for the on-the-run two-, five-, and ten-year notes. Data are for order book depth at the inside tier, averaged across the bid and offer sides, then averaged for each minute across the trading days from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2023 when both the U.K. and the U.S. were on daylight saving time (so that time differences between Japan, the U.K., and the U.S. are constant for this analysis). Depth is measured in millions of U.S. dollars par.
  • 結論






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