Syed Nasir Ali Bhkhari
3 min readAug 8, 2023

The Queen Story QUEEN BEE

There are three types of bees in a beehive.
1. Queen
2. Drona means Nakhtu which is a male bee.
3. The worker bee is female.

Since the drone is a male, its main function is to mate with the queen so that the colony grows. It does not go out of the hive, so it does not make honey. Rather, he drinks prepared honey. It doesn't even sting.

The worker bee, which is the female, takes care of the entire affairs of the colony. Like defending the hive, fetching nectar and pollen from flowers, taking care of children etc.

The main job of the queen bee is to lay eggs and keep the colony regulated by chemicals called pheromones. The average lifespan of a queen bee is 5 to 6 years.

The queen bee lays two types of eggs.
1. Fertilized
2. Unfertilized

Fertilized eggs produce female bees, which later become worker bees, and the same female bees also produce queens, while unfertilized eggs produce male bees.

With the passage of time, when the queen bee's strength decreases or she starts to get sick, the worker bees realize this. She immediately selects up to 20 healthy newborns in the hive that are less than three days old. They transfer these babies to the queen cells in the hive, where the future queen is raised, and start feeding them a special type of food called royal jelly.

Now, whichever of these 20 reaches puberty first, it kills the bees in the queen cells first so that there is no competitor left. Sometimes it happens that 2 or more queens come out at the same time. In such a case, they all start fighting and only one of them survives. Now after getting rid of the rest, his attention is focused on the already existing old queen.

After the new queen emerges, worker bees often kill the old queen through the balling technique. In bowling, it happens that many worker bees surround the queen from all sides and start waving their wings continuously. In this way, the temperature of the bodies of these bees keeps increasing and the queen gets trapped between them and dies without being exposed to many hot bodies. This process may take about half an hour and during this time the temperature of the hair reaches 46. Individual bees are not affected by this temperature.
Otherwise, the old queen is spared and allowed to die while the colony submits to the new queen. It may also happen that if the number in the colony becomes too high, the old queen migrates from there with some worker bees.

Sometimes, when a queen dies suddenly, a new queen is made on emergency basis. Sometimes it also happens that after the sudden death of the queen, the worker bees are unable to produce another queen.
A special type of chemical is released from the queen bee's body, due to which the remaining female bees are not able to lay eggs. After the sudden death of the queen bee, when the effect of this chemical wears off, the worker bees also start laying eggs, but since they are not fertilized, only male bees are produced, which do not work, and so the time As well as the entire colony ends.