0 click Facebook Account Takeover and Two-Factor Authentication Bypass

abdellah yaala
2 min readDec 21, 2022


In September I decided to search in recovery flow processes in web and mobile Facebook application.

When searching in https://www.facebook.com/recover/account/

I found a graphQL mutation that allows me to confirm a new email without having to prove ownership over it.


I created a report and it was triaged.

Account Takeover

I switched to the android mobile application , while going through the Facebook’s password recovery flow using a phone number.

POST /recover_accounts HTTP/2
Host: b-graph.facebook.com


I noticed in response body there are a multiple parameters , I try to change parameter values from false to true one by one using burpsuite intercept, Started by the last one


if set true , I notice that the next request has parameter shared_phone_number in body request

POST /cuid_[CUID]/recovery_codes HTTP/2
Host: b-graph.facebook.com


I received 8 digit OTP code , I change CUID to another ,I got it from :

POST /recover_accounts HTTP/2
Host: b-graph.facebook.com


My surprise when i received the same 8 digit OTP but in the second phone number. Tested with a different phone number (other account), I received the same code again without modifying the shared_phone_number value

To best understand the bug worked in following manner:

1- I put victim phone in shared_phone_number
2- CUID is my encrypted user ID
I received 8 digit OTP allow to change password of victim account

POST /cuid_[cuid-victim] HTTP/2
Host: b-graph.facebook.com

code=[8 digit OTP]&new_password=[password]

I quickly submitted the report , the report triaged Friday and fixed in Saturday

Confirm email Timeline:

September 13, 2022 — report sent
September 15, 2022 — triaged
September 19, 202 — bounty(3000$) rewarded before fixe

Account takeover Timeline:

September 16, 2022- report sent
September 16, 2022 — triaged
September 17, 2022 — fixed
December 15, 2022 - bounty rewarded

Two-Factor Authentication Bypass

I was thinking that the account takeover was limited to account not protected by 2FA. back to confirm email bug and while team investigating , I try to confirm my phone number in other account using the first bug


I used the graphql mutation when I was connected to the other account and i received notification that my phone was confirmed in another account , But my surprise the 2FA was disabled in my account

Additional impact sent to Meta Team.

September 22, 2022- additional impact sent
September 24, 2022- impact confirmed
September 28, 2022 — fixed
December 15, 2022 - bounty rewarded

Meta Team found no evidence of abuse After thorough investigation and internal follow-up


