Bashar Ayyash
2 min readAug 29, 2015

New way to declare variables

This post is a part of Starter to ES6

Instead of var we can use

  • let: declare variable names
  • const: declare constant variables that can not be changed, one time single assignment.

ES6: let, const

ES5 (old javascript): var

Unlike variables declared with var that are function scoped, variables declared with let or const are block scoped (they are only available in the block they are defined in).

Let us code our first ES6 code, inside your Development Environment in package.json file add the following lines.

“browserify”: {

“transform”: [“babelify”]


The above code will run browserify transform “babelify” each time there are changes in ES6 file it will compile ES6 to ES5, so package.json file will look like

in index.js file write:

let x = 15;
const tmp = ‘variable’;



Check the console of your browser

This post is a part of Starter to ES6

Bashar Ayyash

Front End Developer, I’m confident that Vue.js is as powerful as React, but way more flexible and a lot easier to learn