Prettify Outputs

Bashar Ayyash
1 min readSep 3, 2015


To prettify (make command line pretty output) install garnish: npm install garnish — save-dev

Pipe the start scripts in npm with garnish as follow:

scripts : {
"start": "budo src/index.js --live --port 8080 | garnish"

The output when running npm start from the command line

info budo: Server running at http://localhost:8080/
info budo: livereload running on 35729

Instead of the old look

{“time”:”2015–09–03T09:32:03.555Z”,”hostname”:”DESKTOP-RADVSPN”,”pid”:16804,”level”:”info”,”name”:”budo”,”message”:”Server running at http://localhost:8080/","type":"connect","url":"http://localhost:8080/"}
{“time”:”2015–09–03T09:32:03.649Z”,”hostname”:”DESKTOP-RADVSPN”,”pid”:16804,”level”:”info”,”name”:”budo”,”message”:”livereload running on 35729"}

This Post is Part of Starter to Scripts Development Environment



Bashar Ayyash

Front End Developer, I’m confident that Vue.js is as powerful as React, but way more flexible and a lot easier to learn