Easy Feedback Token “EFT”

Едуард Яблонський
5 min readSep 26, 2019



The world is growing. Every year, new promising projects, companies start, but most leave this world without even benefiting society. The main reason is that developers or owners can’t hear their customers. They have no back contact. When a customer says: “I like this product, but I won’t buy it because it’s not perfect enough, I want it to be so you can’t hear me.” These messages need to reach the owner of the company, product. Then the owner will understand what he is doing wrong and will develop in the right direction. How can it be done so that the company does not close but only grows and grows every year? Easy Feedback Token Project will solve this problem and help your business to the next level.

Your feedback moves the world

Easy Feedback Token “EFT” was created to reward people who communicate useful and private feedback from Easy Feedback to improve products, services and processes of companies and institutions. “EFT” can be exchanged for products, services, cryptocurrencies or money at a market price. The “EFT” token will be sold through an IEO (Initial Exchange Offering). Maximum number of days for the completion of the sale of the “EFT” Token on March 15, 2020.

Mission EFT

A Feedback platform to transform the world. Easy Feedback Token is presented as the solution the market needs to:

— Promote feedback between consumers and companies to help solve two issues that have existed, exist and will exist: the communication problem between people and the aspiration of humans to improve things.

— Manage and help improve customer satisfaction in every touchpoint with the company, identifying the dissatisfied people and reacting in real time.

— Reward the feedback that allows to improve the products, services, processes and/or employees customer care.

A free service to send feedback

and defend your rights as a consumer

Consumers use EasyFeedback.com to send suggestions, congratulations, queries, complaints or claims to any company or institution in the world.

— Your feedback is not public. They are sent privately to the management team of the companies.

— If your complaint does not receive adequate treatment, our legal services offer the possibility of studying the possibilities of filing a judicial or extrajudicial claim charging success.

— You’ll feel better! Whether you complain, congratulate or send suggestions that improve the world you will see how well you stay. And also, we will reward you with EFTs.

A subscription to Easy Feedback PRO

that helps to improve your business. The tool that takes the “pulse” and improves the satisfaction of its customers by helping companies to:

— Manage a bad customer experience avoiding negative comments on the Internet, complaint forms, consumer arbitration systems and the silent loss of customers.

— Listen to your clients to build trust, transparency, differentiation and obtain their loyalty.

— Improve the engagement of employees to enhance the experience that customers receive.


Easy Feedback is Part of the Alastria Consortium. Easy Feedback is a member of Alastria, a non-profit association that fosters the digital economy through the development of decentralized registration / Blockchain technologies.

It has a first Testnet network (Arrakis) and a second network (Telsius) on which regular nodes can be deployed (as well as critical validator and enabling nodes).

The Alastria networks are built on Quorum (Architecture based on Ethereum).

— It’s an “agnostic” blockchain platform, have interoperability, with Parity and HyperLedger Fabric (of Linux Foundation).

What is the smart contract?

Article published in: smart contract

A smart contract is a computer program that executes agreements established between two or more parties causing certain actions to happen as a result of a series of specific conditions being met.

That is, when a pre-programmed condition is met, the smart contract automatically executes the corresponding clause.

They are contracts that execute and enforce themselves automatically and autonomously.

Smart contracts have been in development since 1993 when the famous cryptographer Nick Szabo first introduced the term. Nick proposed this system of contracts at the time, but the technological infrastructure of the time made it unfeasible. There was a need for a payment system that could put them into practice and that situation did not appear on the scene until the creation of Bitcoin in 2009.

However, Bitcoin was not intended to be anything more than a financial tool: a cryptocurrency -the coin- and a platform for exchanging value -its blockchain-.

On the other hand, the technology with which it worked — the blockchain- did make these smart contracts possible and it was at the beginning of 2014, with the creation of Ethereum, when they finally became a reality.

These smart contracts “live” in an atmosphere not controlled by any of the parties involved in the contract, in a decentralized system.

This means that:

1. The conditions are programmed,
2. Signed by both parties involved
3. And it is ‘placed’ in a blockchain so that it cannot be modified.

These evolved contracts have as the main purposes:

• To implement a state of security greater than that of the traditional contract
• Reduce costs
• Reduce the time associated with this type of interactions

In other words, they seek to improve current contracts by being safer, cheaper, saving us time and avoiding fraud.


The project is promising and developing. In my opinion, this is one of the best blockchain startups. He has a lot of advantages:

● already raised $ 730,000

● A business that already exists

● Tested technology

● Subscription to Easy Feedback PRO

More than 200,000 Feedbacks

● Legal advice service

● Solid Business Model

● Exchange

● Liquidity

● Stability

● Blockchain and EFTs

● Online store

● Feedback will grow

● The global “Hub” of Feedback

The team is out of town and developing. I believe in EFT, it is my choice. And what do you say?



My contacts

Bitcointalk username: mainerforever
Bitcointalk profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2549804

