Book Review : Wings of Fire by APJ Abdul Kalam

Lucas Samba
5 min readApr 18, 2020

In the Introduction of the book Kalam writes,

“This story is an account, I hope, not just of my personal triumphs and tribulations but of the successes and setbacks of the science establishment in modern India, struggling to establish itself in the technological forefront. It is the story of national aspiration and of co-operative endavour. ”

And this book fits that description perfectly. This is a story of a yong nation which dreams. For any outsider the dreams of this nation are beyound its scope and resources. But its dreamers, with their sheer determination and hard work, overcome all the hurdles, and fulfil the collective dream. The dream called India. This is what India stands for, and it always will.

The book is a memoir which has been written very honestly by Kalam. He describes his journey — from his childhood to becoming the missile man of India — as it happened. One can feel the emotions, as he takes you through the highs and lows of his story. Such a pure book, could only be written by a man with a pure heart.

Born in a middle-class Tamil family, raised by loving parents, Kalam takes you through his peaceful childhood days in the holy town of Rameshwaram. His father was a very religious and spiritual person, and so was the atmosphere of Rameshwaram. These qualities are imbibed…



Lucas Samba

I write about psychology, productivity, self-help, and businesses. I also love reviewing books. Data Scientist by profession.