Jerome Flynn: the tough guy on Game of Thrones and the advisor to VeganNation

Yael Tamar
2 min readApr 15, 2019


Some people don’t know that behind this tough Game of Thrones actor (and VeganNation advisor!) lies a gentle vegan soul and one of the strongest animal activists.

British actor Jerome Flynn, who you’ve probably seen as Bronn on the legendary show Game of Thrones, is throwing his weight behind VeganNation as our advisor, saying, “We’re sure it’s going to inspire and encourage many more people to change their lifestyle and in so doing help our beloved and beleaguered mother planet in these critical times.”

Surprised? Don’t be.

Despite Flynn’s tough-guy looks and the characters he plays, he’s been vegetarian since he was 18, when he was clued into the vegan lifestyle by a girlfriend. “I had no idea,” he says of the first brochures he read. “We’re not really educated to link the food on our plate with the animals that we love.”

“Veganism suits me very well. I don’t miss meat at all. I feel great!”

Lately, he’s become an even stronger advocate for veganism. Earlier this year, Flynn starred in a series of impassioned PETA ads revealing the treatment of food animals: “Don’t tell yourself that the disgraceful conditions and suffering I’ve described are limited to just a few bad apples, because they’re not — they’re the norm.”

“I really hope that in fifty years’ time, we’ll be able to look back in horror.”

Flynn’s concern goes beyond food animals. Due to the popularity of “Direwolves” on GoT, an unusually large, strong, and intelligent species of wolf, unethical breeders started cashing in by breeding Huskies to look like Direwolves. Unfortunately, the craze led to an increase in abandoned Huskies who had bought the dogs without realizing the care and attention they need.

“Acquiring dogs on a whim has dire consequences,” Flynn said in another PETA promo spot. “Animal shelters are reporting a surge in the number of abandoned Huskies… some of these Huskies, like so many other wonderful dogs, will have to be euthanized. There are simply too many of them, and too few homes.”

Clearly, Flynn’s heart is in the VeganNation corner, and we applaud him for having the courage to speak out when so many haven’t. We’re more than proud to have him on our side as part of the VeganNation.

Flynn isn’t the only vegan in the GoT cast: costar and Emmy award winner Peter Dinklage, who plays Tyrion Lannister, is also vegan, and Flynn joins the likes of Sir Paul McCartney among the ranks of notable British vegans.

So who knows? Maybe one of these celebs will be next in line to join the VeganNation revolution.



Yael Tamar

Yael went vegan 6 years ago & has experimented with variety of lifestyles, including 4-Hour-Body(Slow-Carb Diet), Raw Food movement and Ayurvedic diet