Create a google account and use your free 300$

Yagmur Ozden
3 min readSep 23, 2022

Do you have an application but don’t have a place to run it? Here is the answer. In this blog, I will show you how to activate the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Free Trial account for 90 days.

What is Cloud Computing?

The concept of “Cloud Computing” generally refers to computer and other device internet-based services that are available at any time and share computing resources among users. It is the common name for the system, which users can access over the internet from any location. In short, cloud computing is about getting things done using someone else’s computer. When you use google cloud, you use Google’s computers.

What are the benefits of Cloud Computing?

  • It allows you to reduce your costs.
  • Eliminates infrastructure complexity.
  • It expands the workspace.
  • It protects your data on high-security cloud servers.
  • It allows accessing information at any time.

Cloud Computing service models

  • Infrastructure service (IaaS)
  • Platform service (Paas)
  • Software as a service (SaaS)

What is Google Cloud Platform (GCP)?

Google Cloud Platform (GCP), a service provided by Google. GCP is a set of cloud computing services that run on the same infrastructure that Google utilizes for its end-user products, including Google Search, Gmail, Google Drive, and YouTube. It offers various modular cloud services, including computing, data storage, data analytics, and machine learning, in addition to a set of management tools. But registration requires a credit card or bank account details. It gives you a free 300$ for 90 days. You can use it then you can close it.

Google data centres are all around the world. You can build and run applications using google cloud.

How Can I create an account and get free 300$?

First of all, go to google cloud and click the button that says “Get started for free”

If you have a google account, just sign in. If you don’t, you should create an account. After you sign in, you will see that google asks for some information.

On the second page, you will see that it asks you your name, surname, where you live etc. And also the payment section.

In the payment section, you should enter your card, but don't forget it only gives you 300$ for 90 days. After that, 90 days pass, and if you finish your credit, it will charge you and takes money from your account. So I suggest if you are a forgetful person, you should make a reminder to your calendar. And also, I can suggest that if you have multiple cards, you can make one empty and use that. Or you can, of course, create a virtual card.

After that section, your free trial started. Have fun with it 😊😊

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